Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2014-04-22 4.8 kB
Cobra Anim Live Wallpaper Alpha 1.02.apk 2014-04-22 14.2 MB
Totals: 2 Items   14.2 MB 0
0. Table of contents

1. What's this?
2. Motivation
3. Where to get it from?
4. Installation
5. Disclaimer
6. Right holder
7. Found a bug?
8. Changelog

1. What's this?

The "Elite: Dangerous Cobra Mk.III Animated Live Wallpaper for Android" is, as that cute short name already explains, a Live Wallpaper for any Android based smartphone or tablet.

It uses the standard way to register itself to the system as a Live Wallpaper. No additional functionaliy exists. It does not call home, does not need a Google Store access, does not connect to the internet at all, is not interested in your contacts or correspondences or other stuff. Just a plain wallpaper... with a Cobra Mk.III... and animated... 

2. Motivation

As I saw that animated Edge magazine cover, you know, that one with the animated Cobra doing rolls and tricks, I wanted it with me.
I wanted to carry this Cobra alongside, the whole day long.
I was envious the Apple guys could have this but I not...

But then.

When FD released this animation - I knew the time has come.
The time to carry it with me. At last.
The time to get that Cobra on my smartphone.
The time to break out the Android SDK.

The result?
An Android Live Wallpaper.
Ready to be dropped on the launch screen.
Ready to have that gorgeous Cobra rolling and spinning on the phone.

And because today is no special day I felt like maybe, maaaybe, someone else besides me is interested in this.
So I'll make this public, free to use for everybody (from my side, I'll immediately pull it if FD has something against this).

3. Where to get it from?

You can get the apk from SourceForge, I mirrored the compiled binary over there and use it as a distribution platform.

Find the project here https://sourceforge.net/p/cobrawp

4. Installation

The installation is nothing new:

1. Get the apk from the project page: Go to https://sourceforge.net/p/cobrawp and navigate to the "files" tab. Select a version you would like to download (usually that's the most recent).

2. Put the file somewhere on your phone, e.g. by USB- or bluetooth-transfer or by downloading it directly from your phone/tablet.

3. Run the apk (notice it does not need any special rights)

4. Check if everything went well

5. Go to your screen settings and find a new Live Wallpaper available

6. Select it and see the preview

7. If you still like it, make it your screen wallpaper (also works on the lock screen)

8. Done: Carry it around - the whole day 

I really hope you have as much fun and pleasure with the wallpaper as I had creating it. 

5. Disclaimer

As this is a small project please respect that I cannot work on this 24/7 and that this is a hobby project.
Bugs may creep up that make you unhappy with this product, it even might not work at all for you.

- The program comes without any warranty and I can't be liable for any damage caused by using this app. It might sprinkle your garden or eat the cat
- I tested it in any way but might have missed a corner case
- It might not be compatible with your system or phone (tested on a Samsung S III GT-I9300, Android 4.3 Jelly Bean)
- If any rights-holder objects this program and/or its distribution it will get pulled instantly
- I have not planned to upload it to any store, be it google or whatever
- You may not upload it to any store, be it google or whatever
- You may not claim to have created the animation and/or the wallpaper program

6. Right holder

"Elite: Dangerous Cobra Mk.III Animated Live Wallpaper for Android" was created using assets and imagery from Elite: Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. It is not endorsed by nor reflects the views or opinions of Frontier Developments and no employee of Frontier Developments was involved in the making of it.

The project respects and adheres to the Media Usage Rules.

Learn more about the game Elite: Dangerous at the official Elite Dangerous Web Page!

7. Found a bug?

SourceForce has a bug tracking and communication system.
If you have any problems head over to the SourceForge project page and see if your problem has already been reported. If not get in contact with me and/or file a new bug report.

Please be as specific and descriptive as you can be! If I can't recreate the situation the problem happened and the description does not provide enough information so I can extrapolate and guess what could have gone wrong, that bug can not be fixed and might therefore be also in the next version, not helping your situation.

8. Changelog

Version Alpha 1.02
- update to Gradle 0.9.0 / Android Studio 0.5.5
- ensure animation being centered (respect screen scaling)

Version Alpha 1.01
- first public release
Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-04-22