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Readme-ClinicWeb.txt 2010-05-21 2.1 kB
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# Clinic Web Install 
# Windows (XP, Vista), Linux
# For Linux, adjustments must be made. If you need, look for specialized help.

1)  PRE-INSTALLATION ENVIRONMENT:  ClinicWeb is a Cliente-Server System. It needs to work:

a) Java: Clinic Web was developed  on JSP,  and it needs  a Java VirtualMachine (JVM).  JRE (Java Runtime Environment) – version 6 or upper is recommended -  http://java.sun.com.

b) TomCat: The cliente-server  needs  a servelet  container for JSP classes and we recommend  Apache TomCat version 5.5 or upper):  http://tomcat.apache.org/)

c) MySQL:  Version 5 (recommended)  -  http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.


After installation of  Java+TomCat+MySQL, put  the system archive  (clinicweb.war) in webapps  directory,
 where TomCat was installed:

- For  Windows in C:/Programs Archives/Apache Software Foundation/TomCat
- For  Linux (Debian) in /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/

3) Data Base (MySQL)
TomCat  unpack  the archive clinicwev.war and make a clinicweb  directory inside  webapps.
After that, unpack clinicweb_database.zip, and install clinicwebsf.sql script in MySQL database.

Inside WEB-INF/classes of clinicweb directory, look for a configuration archive  clinicweb.properties. 
Adjust  system parameters, mainly database address, login and database password, installation directory and others configurations.

After that,  the system must be ready to be used, through a Browser (IE or Mozilla Firefox).

Example for Windows TomCat standard port (8080):

Example for Linux TomCat standard port (8180):

User : “admin" and password= "admin123"

PS: For better and detailed explanations, look for the following archives in zipped packages (ClinicWeb-Linux.zip or ClinicWeb-Windows.zip):

Leiame-Win.txt (Portuguese)

InstalaBasica-lnx.txt (Portuguese)
ConfiguraAvancada-lnx.txt (Portuguese)

For Installation Support: 
KATU - Sistemas Inteligentes para Saúde
Source: Readme-ClinicWeb.txt, updated 2010-05-21