Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README.txt 2017-01-05 19.5 kB
churchrota-2_6_0.zip 2015-08-01 2.9 MB
churchrota-2_5_0.zip 2014-07-22 2.9 MB
churchrota-2_4_0.zip 2014-02-25 2.9 MB
churchrota-2_3_0.zip 2013-09-13 2.9 MB
churchrota-2_2_0.zip 2013-09-02 2.9 MB
churchrota-2_1_0.zip 2013-08-01 3.0 MB
churchrota-2_0_2.zip 2013-06-04 4.0 MB
churchrota.zip 2011-06-14 894.3 kB
Totals: 9 Items   22.3 MB 1
Changelog of ChurchRota

   Project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/churchrota/

   Stable Releases:
     Files: https://sourceforge.net/projects/churchrota/files/

   SCM (Source Code Management, latest but less tested code):
     We have moved our code base to GitHub.
     Please make sure to contribute only at that platform!

     GitHub (main place for code, issue tracking, pull requests, etc.):    
     SF's GIT Repository (mirroring GitHub, no pull requests here please)

     SF's SVN Repository (legacy, only for historic reasons, may be delete)
   Twitter: @ChurchRota_Dev

   About versioning:
   - X.Y.0   ->   File release; and SCM     ->  less often
   - X.Y.Z   ->   SCM only release          ->  less tested

V2.6.2 - SCM only - Revision 48+49 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2017-01-05
- settings: save trimmed and non-html (html_entity_decode) to db 
- changelog and version number

V2.6.1 - SCM only - Revision 47 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2017-01-05
- snapshot: add time filter button: current year
- snapshot: rename time filter buttons: all > open, all (incl. past) > all
- snapshot: highlight chosen time filters
- snapshot: combined time and type filtering (first choose time then type)
- index: add time filter buttons: open, current_year, all
- index: highlight chosen time filters
- index: combined time and type filtering (first choose time then type)
- index: remove complete filter section if "show only my events" is active
         (workaround for not working filters, needs refacturing sqls)
- css: change height of filter buttons, was incorrect after linebreak
- setting: reorder variables, 
           add stripslashes and mysql_real_escape_string (ticket#16)
- changelog and version number

V2.6.0 - SCM + FILE - Revision 46 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2015-07-30
- overview mail: add event comment to overview notification
- notification mail: introducing new placeholder [comment] 
- notification mail: identing placeholder [rotadetails]
- changelog and version number

V2.5.3 - SCM - Revision 45 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-12-30
- fix: Overview sending in end of December, 
       retrieve events of next years January
- changelog and version number

V2.5.2 - SCM - Revision 44 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-09-11
- provide username after first install, hint on login page (ticket #7)
- changelog and version number

V2.5.1 - SCM - Revision 43 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-08-08
- remember filter "Show all/my events" during session (ticket #5)
- changelog and version number

V2.5.0 - SCM + FILE - Revision 41/42 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-07-23
- File release (V2.5.0) and SCM tag (2014-07-23_v2_5_0) 
- only show password length instead of clear text password 
  on error page when no db connection
  (see ticket #4)
- Changelog
- version number 2.5.0 changes
V2.4.5 - SCM - Revision 40 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-07-20
- declared mysql function getBrowserInfo as DETERMINISTIC,
  for use with mysql option binary logging enabled (see ticket #3)
V2.4.4 - SCM - Revision 40 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-07-20
- snapshot: improved presentation of users without firstname
- snapshot: new filter button for all events including past ones,
            (only when admin and deactive option "show only current month")
- snapshot: Google Calendar export (as admin) now uses new function 
  getEventDetails for:
  + event subject - showing band, leader, preacher and event type
  + event description - showing all involved persons with skillgroup 
    and event comments 
- mail: corrected headers & bcc for mails (new internal function sendMail)
  + DONE: notifyIndividual (now uses modified function notifyEveryone)
  + WON'T DO: notifySubscribers (unused, contact me if needed)
- notification mail: new placeholder [rotadetails] lists skills and  
                     persons of that event
- edit Event: Band Admin now also has editing permissions for skill groups
  + Event Tech 
  + Rehearsal Tech
- send error mail to admin when sending fails (php mail() returns false),
  also showing errors checked against regexp for addresses
V2.4.3 - SCM - Revision 39 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-05-03
- addUser: buxfix of mistakenly removed permission flags 
           when updating details (email, mobile) as normal user 
- version number and changelog

V2.4.2 - SCM - Revision 38 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-04-24
- mail: corrected headers & bcc for mails (new internal function sendMail)
  + DONE: mailNewUser
  + DONE: notifyEveryone
  + DONE: notifyOverview
  + DONE: notifyAttack
  + DONE: notifyInfo
  + TODO: notifyIndividual
  + TODO: notifySubscribers
- automatic mail reminders for events
  + new settings: security token
  + new settings: days_to_alert
  -> daily run 'cr_daily.php', see comments in 'cr_daily.php' for details 
- snapshot: added owner to title
- folder for user-generated database dumps (e.g. via shell)
- version number

V2.4.1 - SCM - Revision 37 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-03-07
- settings: external links for further documentation of locale and timezone
- styles: underline for links on 
  + in div welcome (added on index.php)
  + in div elementContent (e.g. on settings page)
- skills: adapt layout from other editing possibilities
- version number

V2.4.0 - SCM + FILE - Revision 34 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-02-26
- File release (V2.4.0) and SCM tag (2014-02-26_v2_4_0) 
- Rev. 33 - Changelog
- Rev. 35 - version number 2.4.0 changes

V2.3.5 - SCM - Revision 33 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-02-25
- overview mail: more small-device friendly format (shorter lines) 
- new user mail: set charset and linebreaks (in analogy to overview mail)

- new user mail: preview possibility (currently only for testing)
- addUser: some SQLs rewritten; 'checked' flag now with proper apostrophs
- statistics: only use function getBrowserInfo if MySQL >= 5.0, 
             fallback: complete user-agent string (V2.3.4 code fixed)
V2.3.4 - SCM only - Revision 32 - Benjamin Schmitt - 2014-01-30
- database: new MySQL function "getBrowserInfo" for browser identification
- statistics: now uses getBrowserInfo
- footer: change of copyright year 
- login: current version number for login

V2.3.3 - SCM only - Revision 30 and 31 - Benjamin Schmitt
- code corrections - replaced all "<?" with "<?php",
  WAMP users may use "error_reporting = E_ERROR" in php.ini 
  see "short_open_tag" in php.ini,
  recommendation: set to "off",
  ChurchRota now only uses "<?php", so both values (on/off) will work
V2.3.2 - SCM only - Revision 29 - Benjamin Schmitt
- includes/functions.php: 
  check if variable "holdQuery" exists during installation, then set 
  variables to default value instead of db query (because db not ready);
  otherwise -> query real values from db

V2.3.1 - SCM only - Revision 28 - Benjamin Schmitt
- statistics: interpretation of browser info (more readable)
- statistics: only list browser info, if it is not empty (!='')
- statistics: fixed deletion of user statistics 
- settings: new user permission "Event Editor",
  possibility to only edit details of an existing event
- userView: added "Event Editor" to listing of permissions per user
- userView: also highlight users with Event Editor permissions
- index: show icon "edit event" for Event Editors
- edit event: Event Editor now can edit event relevant data
- edit event: text representation of non-editable data 
              is formatted bold (strong) now

internal stuff:
- new function: isEventEditor

V2.3.0 - Revision 27 - Benjamin Schmitt
- fixed: pre update logging in with "debug mode" and db < v2.3.0 works now
         if "cr_statistics not found" then do one of the follwing steps
         - disable "debug mode" with web interface of a version < 2.3.0
         - use this revision
         - manually update database: update cr_settings set debug_mode=0;

File release (V2.3.0) and SCM tag (2013-09-13_v2_3_0) - Revision 26   

V2.3.0 - Revision 25 - Benjamin Schmitt
- new: statistics information page
  + standard mode: db_update, attacks 
  + "debug mode" additional: browser, login, logout, pwd_change
- new: logout possibility now on each page (in header)
- fix: users full name is now shown when changing own password 

- Disable "Debug mode" before updating to that version

internal stuff:
- new function: insertStatistics
- style.css: definitions for general th 
             and new class "statistics" for table, th, td
- new pages: statistic.php, error.php
- login and user check on every page
- removed files (obvious copying error) 
  + /includes/createEvent.php
  + /includes/editPassword.php
  + /includes/index.php
- corrected relative paths in sidebar.php
V2.2.1 - Revision 24 - Benjamin Schmitt
- enabled settings checkbox for snapshot sorting again (not only label)
- fixed: error since rev. 23, when deleting ALL band members as Band Admin

V2.2.1 - Revision 23 - Benjamin Schmitt
- settings: new user permission "Band Administrator",
  possibility to only edit band details at an existing event
- userView: list permissions per user (Admin, Band Admin, Overview)
- userView: also highlight users with Band Admin permissions
- index: show icon "edit event" for Band Admins
- edit event: Band Admins can now edit band relevant data
- snapshot: new sorting order (see v2.1.1)
  therefore it was necessary to rewrite the code for cell filling,
  should work now :-) 
- fixed update functionality of band skills / instruments 
- date/time formatting in security dialog when deleting an event
- created links in GPL license file (html)

- please check your "Church Rota Behaviour" settings for 
  + Snapshot - sort columns by skill group and skill name
      with this update it is set "disabled"
  + Snapshot - show only skills up to user's max. used skill group
      it was mistakenly set "disabled" by download zip of V2.2.0,
	  update procedure is now correct, so if you have not installed
	  V2.2.0 zip this is not relevant for you

internal stuff:
- new function: isBandAdmin
- snapshot: code cosmetics (apostrophs for querying database rows)
- editSkills: special treatment for skillgroup=2 (band), 
  group cannot be deleted anymore,
  it is used as a special group throughout the code 
  (due to the band members)
- new remove-function: removeBandSkill (except skill-id 2, see above)

V2.2.0 - SCM tag 2013-09-02_v2_2_0 - Revision 21 - Benjamin Schmitt 
- validate email addresses before sending Rota Overview Mail, error output
- workaround for displaying error in snapshot 
  (disabled new sorting feature (v2.1.1), need to find a bug)
- reduce available filters according current used event types
  (snapshot and event overview)
- formatting GPL license file (html), added text version (LICENSE.TXT)
- Debug Mode

V2.1.2 - Revision 20 - Benjamin Schmitt 
- Removed Google-Analytics due to privacy reasons

V2.1.1 - Revision 19 - Benjamin Schmitt 
- Snapshot - sort columns by skill group and skill name (new option)
V2.1.0 - SCM tag 2013-08_01_V2_1_0 - Benjamin Schmitt 

security fixes:
- prevent user impersonating in "My Account" and in "Change password"
- send mail to system admin when attack has happend
- notify system admin via mail when updating database

new functionalities (and corresponding options in settings):
- optional sorting events in descending order (only index.php)
- optional also show snapshot button for users
- configurable language locales and formats for date/time 
- Rota Overview mail (for a whole month)
  + new flag for users "is Overview Recipient" (in user management)
  + send mail for actual month (or next month if actual day > 20)
  + preview page (with editing posibility)
- Google calender export per event in snapshot (via URL)
  + if logged in as normal user: only date, time, event type, location
  + if logged in as admin user: same as user plus leader/preacher/band 
  + utf8-wrapper (for URL-encoding)
  + field for Google Group Calendar ID (settings)
  + Time Zone
- optional reduce events to "show my events" direct after users login
- optional reduce snapshot to max defined skill group of logged in user 
  (not logged in => group 1), 
  so the more sensitive a skill group should be, the higher set its skill 
  group, example: 
    + band and host infos for not logged in users - group 1)
    + leading info should require group 2 (including infos of group 1)
    + preacher info only for users with group 3 rights 
      (including groups 1+2)
    + always all infos for admin users
    -> a user with a skill defined for skill group 2 
         * can see band, host and leading 
         * but can not see preaching
- optional only show actual month in snapshot,
  also shows events of following month if actual day > 20 
- "array_combine" backport

changes "behind the scenes":
- send mail for rota overview
- configurable mail subject, now introduced in overview mail: 
  subject pattern needs to be in the first line of mail template,
  surrounded by {{ }} - example: 
     {{configurable subject}}
     rest of 
     mail message 
  future development: include this feature to all mail templates
- handling of password changing was broken (url post parameters)
- repaired link for deleting a skill (editSkills.php)
- removed file \graphics\design\maindesign.psd,
  it was propably a design study and is not needed in running system,
  deleted because of size (can be found in rev 7-15 of SCM trunk)
- removing admin flag of an user, does not remove own admin rights
- subject of "New user mail" now includes new user's name

ui changes:
- introduced setting groups for different parts of settings
- preview page (and editing possibility) for actual Rota Overview
- add band instrument (already introduced with V.2.0.0)
- only show initial letter of first name in snapshot 
- first column of snapshot renamed "Date" ->  "Event"
V2.0.2 - SCM tag 2013-05-28_V2_0_2 - Benjamin Schmitt
- bugfix install script (includes/functions.php)
- update INSTALL.txt and rename to README.txt
V2.0.1 - SCM tag 2013-05-26_V2_0_1 - Benjamin Schmitt
- bugfix: sending email for new users was broken (includes/functions.mail.php)
- update: version string (includes/functions.database.php)
V2.0.0 - SCM tag 2013-05-22_V2_0_0

latest version by David Bunce (as a copy of a current installation)
  - General view/functionality
    + fixed: 'Back to Top' link
    + new background image
    + first item of a group (elementBackground) is no longer expanded 
    + events and eventPeople are no longer deleted in database, 
      instead they are marked as 'deleted'
	+ new pop-up security question when deleting
  - Main Menu 'Home' (index.php)
    + added filter possibility for event types
    + removed submenu: View all bands
    + removed submenu: Add new band
    + removed comboboxes 'Add individuals', 'Add bands'
	+ only show events that are not marked deleted 
          and event date > today
  - Main Menu 'Discussion' (discussion.php)
    + removed whole main menu
  - Main Menu 'Users' (viewUsers.php)
    + removed submenu: View Bands
	+ added link: reset password (to 'churchrota')
	+ added button: link "showOnlyMyEvents" for chosen user
  - createEvent.php: 
    + fixed: sorting problem of control boxes, now within correct group
    + fixed: revoke 'make them an Admin', also revoked session admin rights 
  - snapshot.php
	+ only show events that are not marked deleted 
          and event date > today
	+ added filter possibility for event types
	+ added Church Rota header (and menues, if user is logged in)

modifications by Benjamin Schmitt (on top of David's work)
  - Database update functionality
    + includes/functions.database.php: database update functionality
    + includes/functions.php: 
        * include functions.database.php
        * add variables owneremail and version
    + login.php: calling database update functionality, 
                 after having logged in as admin
  - use owner variable again, instead of hardcoded church name/email
    + footer.php: show version string, changed copyright string
    + index.php: use owner / email variables 
    + settings.php: 
	    * insert editing of owner/organisation again
		* use mysql_real_escape_string again
    + install.php: 
	    * remove hardcoded church name
        * always give admin rights to first user		
  - added CHANGELOG.txt - this file
  - added INSTALL.txt - instruction steps for installation
V1.0.0 - SCM tag 2011-06-14_V1_0_0
this is the initial version (churchrota.zip)
Source: README.txt, updated 2017-01-05