Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
chops 2016-01-12
linux.zip 2018-04-12 529.5 kB
chops_beta-2.0.zip 2016-01-12 265.7 MB
readme.txt 2016-01-12 12.3 kB
licence.txt 2015-01-16 2.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   266.2 MB 0
                                                        CHOPS RELEASE NOTES

Convex Hull Of Protein Surface(CHOPS) program

by Wei Zheng (jlspzw139@sina.com)
(In this program, the comprehensive asa program--accall is generated by Naccess.
Hubbard, S.J. and Thornton, J.M. (1993) 'NACCESS', Computer Program, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University College London.)

This program will calculate all k-th convex hulls of protein surface when input a protein pdb file (pdb format), 
it is supplied in source code form along with the required data files and run under the windows/linux.

Support OS
Windows 7/8/8.1/10    Linux
If your system is windows and the version is earlier than vista(XP), update .NET to 4.0 or lastest released version from Microsoft.

Input file
protein_structure_file in pdb format.

How to use it?
Firstly we can download the CHOPS.tar in http://sourceforge.net/projects/chops/. 



Step one install gfortran:
Unzip this files,the gfortran-windows-20140629.exe needs to be installed in the first step if your OS is windows. 
Check that you have indeed files in the directory you selected for installation (if you chose c:\gfortran as installation directory, 
you should have directories like C:\Program Files\bin C:\Program Files\include ... you should also have a file gfortran.exe in C:\Program Files\bin .
Now we have to tell Windows to look in C:\Program Files\bin for the compiler. Right click on My Computer, Properties, Advanced Tab, Environment Variables.
In the top section labeled "User variables for..." there may or may not be an entry called PATH. 
If there is, click on it, click edit, then add the following at the end of the line.
;C:\Program Files\gfortran\bin;
If there is not, click add.
Variable Name: PATH
Variable Value: C:\Program Files\gfortran\bin;
Click okay enough times to get back to the desktop, and open a new command prompt. 
You can do this by either going to Start, Accessories, Command Prompt, or by clicking run, and typing in cmd.
If you have any problems, you can find help from gfortran website https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranBinariesWindows .

Step two set ps script excutionpolicy:
In windows system(7/8/8.1/10),open my computer->all programs->Accessories->Windows Powershell->Windows Powershell.
In the Windows Powershell, we must run the relevant commands as adminstrator.
Then input the 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned' to get the execuate permissions of the Powershell script.Notice! You must run powershell as adminstrator(right click!).

If you want get some help,then type
./CHOPS.ps1 -help help
Notice!There are two word help. 
In current directory, if we calculate one protein, we can run CHOPS.ps1 as:
./CHOPS.ps1 -infile input_pdb_file_path[Rooted] -outdir output_directory[Rooted] -mode all[default],single,interaction
-mode opition:
all:         treat all chains in protein as a whole points set then calculate all k-th convex hull of protein surface.
single:      calculate each chain in one protein as independent points set then calculate itself.
interaction: same as single mode, but define surface residue which is in 4 angstrom far from other chain's surface residue as convex hull 0.
./CHOPS.ps1 -infile D:\CHOPS\example\1A2YC.pdb -outdir D:\CHOPS\exampleout -mode all
If we calculate the multiple proteins, first put all proteins in a directory, then we can run MutiCHOPS.ps1 as:
./MultiCHOPS.ps1 -indir input_pdbs_directory[Rooted] -outdir output_directory[Rooted] -mode all[default],single,interaction
./MultiCHOPS.ps1 -indir D:\CHOPS\example\ -outdir D:\CHOPS\exampleout -mode single



We give two version 32bit and 64bit binaries, you can choose one suit your OS.
If you want to use it, Mono.NET must be install in your linux first.

Step one Mono.Net
You can download MonoDevelop and get help from website http://monodevelop.com/ or Mono package.

The Chops package contains a compiled version mono-4.2.1 in linux/mono-4.2.1/ directory, and the mono-4.2.1 source code mono- in linux/ directory.
You can run with default mono-4.2.1 packaged in Chops and change the variable $chopsdir to your own installl parth, If it doesn't work in your OS, please complie 
mono-4.2.1 source code following the readme file in mono-4.2.1 source code. If you complie your own mono-4.2.1 change the variable $chopsdir $mono in CHOPS.sh, 
MultiCHOPS.sh to your own install directory.

Step two Change variable
Change $chopsdir variable in CHOPS.sh and MultiCHOPS.sh, and if necessary change the mono exec install path $mono to your own path.

In current directory, if we calculate one protein, we can run CHOPS.sh as:
./CHOPS.sh input_pdb_file_path output_directory mode=all[default],single,interaction
./CHOPS.sh /home/usr/CHOPS/example/1A2YC.pdb  /home/usr/CHOPS/exampleout all
If we calculate the multiple proteins, first put all proteins in a directory, then we can run MutiCHOPS.sh as:
./MultiCHOPS.sh input_pdbs_directory output_directory mode=all[default],single,interaction
./MultiCHOPS.sh ../../example ../../exampleout single


result file will be written to a new pdb file with name ProteinName.sch.pdb. The k-th convex hull of protein surface information will be written to
beta-factor position,1.00,2.00,...represent the k-th surface convex hull, -1.00 represents the residues burried in protein, 0.00 represents surface
interaction residue.

sample result
ATOM      1  N   MET C   1      94.766  87.569  60.599  1.00  0.00           N  
ATOM      2  CA  MET C   1      95.063  86.713  59.420  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM      3  C   MET C   1      96.298  85.843  59.619  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM      4  O   MET C   1      97.405  86.233  59.238  1.00  0.00           O  
ATOM      5  CB  MET C   1      95.282  87.593  58.195  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM      6  CG  MET C   1      94.060  87.760  57.324  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM      7  SD  MET C   1      94.423  87.384  55.596  1.00  0.00           S  
ATOM      8  CE  MET C   1      93.994  88.910  54.739  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM      9  N   ASP C   2      96.119  84.674  60.225  1.00  0.00           N  
ATOM     10  CA  ASP C   2      97.237  83.757  60.428  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     11  C   ASP C   2      97.107  82.778  59.293  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     12  O   ASP C   2      96.112  82.065  59.183  1.00  0.00           O  
ATOM     13  CB  ASP C   2      97.113  83.050  61.773  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     14  CG  ASP C   2      96.495  83.945  62.843  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     15  OD1 ASP C   2      97.115  84.999  63.165  1.00  0.00           O  
ATOM     16  OD2 ASP C   2      95.393  83.611  63.360  1.00  0.00           O  
ATOM     17  N   ILE C   3      98.121  82.741  58.445  1.00  0.00           N  
ATOM     18  CA  ILE C   3      98.065  81.881  57.288  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     19  C   ILE C   3      99.213  80.888  57.244  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     20  O   ILE C   3     100.387  81.266  57.233  1.00  0.00           O  
ATOM     21  CB  ILE C   3      98.057  82.780  56.066  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     22  CG1 ILE C   3      96.627  83.100  55.689  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     23  CG2 ILE C   3      98.807  82.157  54.938  1.00  0.00           C  
ATOM     24  CD1 ILE C   3      96.534  84.295  54.795  1.00  0.00           C  

ATOM   1814  N   LEU C   8      44.099 -13.128  15.182  0.00  8.00           N  
ATOM   1815  CA  LEU C   8      45.366 -13.153  14.437  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1816  C   LEU C   8      45.486 -11.926  13.511  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1817  O   LEU C   8      46.560 -11.328  13.402  0.00  8.00           O  
ATOM   1818  CB  LEU C   8      45.505 -14.452  13.632  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1819  CG  LEU C   8      46.794 -14.674  12.831  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1820  CD1 LEU C   8      48.028 -14.660  13.745  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1821  CD2 LEU C   8      46.719 -16.000  12.109  0.00  8.00           C  
ATOM   1822  N   ALA C   9      44.382 -11.550  12.862  0.00 -1.00           N  
ATOM   1823  CA  ALA C   9      44.352 -10.385  11.969  0.00 -1.00           C  
ATOM   1824  C   ALA C   9      44.790  -9.110  12.714  0.00 -1.00           C  
ATOM   1825  O   ALA C   9      45.613  -8.338  12.218  0.00 -1.00           O  
ATOM   1826  CB  ALA C   9      42.934 -10.205  11.390  0.00 -1.00           C  
ATOM   1827  N   ALA C  10      44.236  -8.915  13.914  0.00  4.00           N  
ATOM   1828  CA  ALA C  10      44.560  -7.758  14.750  0.00  4.00           C  
ATOM   1829  C   ALA C  10      46.057  -7.732  15.115  0.00  4.00           C  
ATOM   1830  O   ALA C  10      46.707  -6.688  15.037  0.00  4.00           O  
ATOM   1831  CB  ALA C  10      43.688  -7.757  16.031  0.00  4.00           C  
ATOM   1832  N   ALA C  11      46.602  -8.881  15.504  0.00  6.00           N  
ATOM   1833  CA  ALA C  11      48.020  -8.966  15.858  0.00  6.00           C  
ATOM   1834  C   ALA C  11      48.912  -8.664  14.635  0.00  6.00           C  
ATOM   1835  O   ALA C  11      49.865  -7.884  14.714  0.00  6.00           O  
ATOM   1836  CB  ALA C  11      48.333 -10.349  16.435  0.00  6.00           C  

Please see the LICENSE file for the license terms of the software. It is
basically free for academic users, but a license fee applies to commercial

Analysis of conformational B-cell epitopes in antibody-antigen complex using depth function and convex hull
Wei Zheng, Jishou Ruan, Gang Hu, Kui Wang and Jianzhao Gao


In mathematics, the convex hull of a set X of points in the Euclidean space is the smallest convex set that contains X. 
For instance, when X is a bounded subset of the plane, the convex hull may be visualized as the shape formed by a rubber
band stretched around X. For a protein, we consider all residues in a protein as a point set X.
For a protein, all convex hull residues of the protein is defined as the first level of convex hull. We denoted by CH1(X).
Remain residues of the protein are X-CH1(X). Then we can compute the convex hull of X-CH1(X), the convex hull of X-CH1(X) is
defined as CH2(X) and so on. we choose k-th convex hull residues on protein surface as k-th convex hull of protein surface. 

change in beta version 2.0
1.Package complied mono-4.2.1 (64bit version ) and mono-4.2.1 source code in the chops linux package.
2.Change CHOPS.sh fit for multipy threading for linux version chops (generate random number temp file, and input parameter file for accall).
3.Change the CHOPS.sh script, it can run from any path.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2016-01-12