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Chaoskop.zip 2010-11-03 496.0 kB
readme.txt 2010-11-03 5.6 kB
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Chaoskop in VB.NET (2008)
by gearwheelsoft
Version 1.0 Beta Oct 2010


- extract the Fonts ZIP file to C:\Windows\Fonts
- extract the Project ZIP file to a new folder
- open the VB.NET Project with MS Visual Basic 2008 (Express Edition) or start the EXE file in the bin/Debug directory (.NET Framework required)

Use of the Program

Algorithms from the books

* "Fraktale verstehen und selbst programmieren", Band I
  Hans Lauwerier, Wittig, 1989 (I)
* "Fraktale verstehen und selbst programmieren", Band II
  Hans Lauwerier, Wittig, 1992 (none)
* "Natur als fraktale Graphik"
  Scholl/Pfeiffer, Markt&Technik, 1991 (N)
* "Symmetry in Chaos" 
  Field/Golubitsky, Oxford Univ. Press 1992 (S)
* "The science of Fractal Images"
  Peitgen/Saupe, Springer 1988 (F)
* "Chaos und Fractals"
  Clifford A. Pickover, Elsevier, 1998. (P)

From the Menue select one of the 80 Programs:

1. Fractal Dimension
- comb      Cantor Comb
- meander   Fractal of Mandelbrot and Given
- sierline  Sieve of Sierpinski
- siermc    Sieve of Sierpinski as Point Clouds
- mengermc  Menger Sponge (Monte Carlo)
- mengercl  Menger Sponge colored (Backtracking)
- levyline  Levy Curve
- levylong  Levy Curve
- dragon ** Drachencurve between two Points
- multifr   Multi Fractal

2. Self Similarity
- fern1     Fractal Fern
- fern2     Fern by Barnsley
- square1   Fractal based on three Contractions
- square2 ** Fractals in a Square
- invermc   Iterative System
- cheese    Cantor Chees Cross-Sections
- mink      Minkowski Sausage
- crinkle   Crinkle with Koch Cross as Basis and Motiv
- starfr    Star Fractal

3. Dynamic Systems
- henatt ** Henon Attractor
- lorenz1   Lorenz Attractor
- lorenz2   Lorenz Attractor
- roessler  Roessler Attractor
- verhulst  Verhulst Model
- bifur1    Bifurcation Diagram
- bifur2    Bifurcation Diagram
- autoatt   Automatic Random Strange Attractors
- henon     Traces of Henons quadratic System
- mira      Traces of Miras dynamic System
- cloud1    Traces of a dynamic System 1
- cloud2    Traces of a dynamic System 2

4. Iterated Function Systems
- treesb    Iterative System with two Contractions
- treebt    Iterative System (Backtracking)
- treebta   Iterative System (Backtracking)
- sierbt    Special Case of Sierpinskis Sieve
- autoifs   Automatic Random IFS
- ifspar    Iterated Function System with 6 Parameters, by User

5. Monte Carlo Method
- tennis    Tennis Game
- contrmc1  Iterative System (Monte Carlo)
- maple     Maple Leaf by Barnsley
- collageh  Collage of the Letter H
- dust      Dust Fractal, Monte-Carlo-Methode

6. Stochastic Fractals
- brownl    Browns Line
- rwalk     Random Walk in a Rectangular
- clusterc  Cluster in a Circle
- clusterl  Cluster on a Line
- batrachions Conway´s / Hofstadter´s / Mallow´s batrachion

7. Lindenmayer Systems
- kochlind  Von Kochs Curve, Lindenmayer
- sierlind  Sierpinskis Curve, Lindenmayer
- peanolind **  Peanos Curve, Lindenmayer
- bushlind  Blade of Grass, Lindenmayer
- bush2lind  Fractal Shrub, Lindenmayer
- lindpar   Lindenmayer System, by User

8. Cellular Automats
- pick1     Pickover Modell, symmetric
- pick2     Pickover Modell, even-odd
- pick3     Pickover Modell, colored
- cell1     Cellular Automat
- cell1a    Cellular Automat
- cell1b    Cellular Automat
- cell2     Cellular Automat
- cellc     Cellular Automat

9. 3D Fractals
- byt3bt    Bold Pythagoras Tree (Backtracking)
- pyt3dbt ** 3D Pythagoras Tree (Backtracking)
- profile ** Fractal Profil
- projs     Projection of a Surface
- waerden   Curve of van der Waerden
- tagaki    Projection of a Tagaki Mountain
- frsurf    Fractal Surface

10. Julia Sets
- julfill   Filled Julia Fractal of z -> z^2+c
- juliamc   Julia Fractal of z^2+c (Monte Carlo)
- juliabt   Julia Fractal of z^2+c (Backtracking)
- juldist   Julia Fractal by Distance Formula
- julcub    Julia Fractal of z^3-3a^2z+b
- julexp    Julia Fractal of e^z-z-1
- julsin    Julia Fractal of c*sin(z)

11. Mandelbrot Sets
- mantot    Mandelbrot Fractal, Total View
- msetmandel ** Mandelbrot-Menge, Total View 2
- mandet    Mandelbrot Fractal, Detail
- mandist   Mandelbrot Fractal by Distance Formula
- manexp    Mandelbrot Fractal of c+z-e^z
- mansin1   Mandelbrot Fractal of c+z-sin(z)
- manvar    Pseudo Mandelbrot Fractal
- manpar    Mandelbrot Fractal, Detail by User

12. Quilts and Stardust
- symmicon  Symmetric Icon
- symmquilts  Square Quilts
- symmquilts2 Hexagonal Quilts
- symmfrac  Symmetric Fractal
- galaxy    Galactic Spiral Nebula
- stardust  Elliptic Star Cluster
- archisp   Archimedian Spiral
- logarsp   Logarithmic Spiral
- sphersp   Spherical Spiral
- unwind    Evolvente of a Circle
- vortex    Quadratic Whirl (Rotating and shrinking N-Angle)
- mondriaan Modern Art a la Mondriaan

Source Code Components

The Source Code of Chaoskop consists of the following VB.NET Components:

1. Modules
  - ModuleDefinitions.vb: Global Definitions of Variables and Constants</li>
  - ModuleMath.vb:        Mathematical Functions</li>
  - ModuleGraphics.vb:    Graphics Functions and Data Structures</li>
  - ModuleFractals.vb:    Fractal Functions for each of the 80 Programs mentioned above</li>

2. Form
  - FormChaoskop.vb:      Main Form with 12 Fractal and 1 Option Menues.</li>

For more detailed Information see also "ChaoskopHelp.htm".
Source: readme.txt, updated 2010-11-03