Home / merry christmas!
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
My Fave C64 Games.zip 2022-05-03 2.0 MB
c128 error check #001.zip 2022-01-08 342.0 kB
TmpCr128 Err.zip 2021-10-10 85.1 kB
readme.txt 2014-12-25 1.4 kB
wavy8.prg 2014-12-25 2.1 kB
testaster8.prg 2014-12-25 3.9 kB
grdemo8.prg 2014-12-25 2.2 kB
hello8.prg 2014-12-25 2.5 kB
madlib128distrib.zip 2014-12-25 6.9 kB
brainstorm128.zip 2014-12-25 10.1 kB
madlib64.zip 2014-12-25 46.0 kB
hangman.d64 2014-12-25 174.8 kB
hp_c64_toys_01.d64.gz 2014-12-25 3.2 kB
TMPCR02.zip 2014-12-25 194.2 kB
mcartscreens.crt 2014-12-25 32.9 kB
Totals: 15 Items   2.9 MB 0
Merry Christmas to the people from Forest View from Joseph Rose!  Here are my
presents to you.  To run the .prg, .crt and .d64 files, you need a Commodore
emulator.  WinVice is a good one, and you should be able to find it at
http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/.  Just open the x64.exe file (or x128 for
files with 128 in their name, or xvic for textvic.prg) and drag the file onto
the window.  Note that, if you're running a .crt file, you have to run it as a
cartridge image.  Click in the menu File, then Attach Cartridge Image..., then
CRT Image....  Browse to and select the file, and it'll run.  Also note that, if
the file has an 8 in the name, you have to type SYS32768 to run it.

	For templates for TmpCr02, go to


You may find the following URLs useful:
		CBM downloads
		DOS emulator
		DOS games
		DOS software
		Game console games

[Not From Forest View?]

You can still download these.  However, note that some of these files are
unfinished but playable.  If you like these, please tell me.  My e-mail is
Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-12-25