Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
CardWarsSourceCode.txt 2018-03-11 13.8 kB
readme.txt 2018-03-11 1.9 kB
CardWar.exe 2018-03-11 3.5 MB
Totals: 3 Items   3.5 MB 0
*** Designer Notes 
* Author Justin Lee Schnees
* Website: jschnees.com

This program was created as a C# class project. Intended as a homework and teaching assignment.
Below are a few notes that on what was added to the project to make it more of my own.

Added a background image. A generic green felt background from google. I did this to give it something extra.
You can find all the images in the "playingCards" folder located in the solutions folder or the resources section within the program.
Made the draw button disable when the game ends to prevent errors.


Below is the assignment objective and Acceptance Criteria.

The objectives of this lab assignment are as follows:

-Develop a Windows Forms Graphical User Interface (GUI).
-Implement the picture box control on a form.
-Work with files (images) external to the application.
-Work with arrays (multiple arrays).
-Work with arrays in parallel with one another.
-Work with nested for loops.
-Assignment User Story: As a user I want a new Windows application so that I can play a modified version of the card game called War.

Acceptance Criteria: 

-A Windows Forms GUI will be developed.
Required form controls include: 
-two PictureBox controls each holding the computer's and player's card, 
-two TextBox controls for the computer's and player's scores, 
-a TextBox control for the text status of the last hand dealt.
-In addition to the controls noted above, there will be three button controls: New Game, Draw,  and Close. 
-When the clicks New Game, all of the variables will be initialized and the deck of cards will be shuffled. 
-The Draw button will cause random cards to be drawn for both the computer and the user, and the code will determine which of the two cards represents the higher value awarding a point to the winning hand.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2018-03-11