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canola-0.1.D001.tar.gz 2011-10-27 1.0 MB
canola-0.1.tar.gz 2011-10-27 1.0 MB
canola-0.1.D001.ae 2011-10-27 1.9 MB
canola-0.1.D001.README 2011-10-27 1.8 kB
Totals: 4 Items   4.0 MB 0
Read Me(Canola)                                                Read Me(Canola)

       The  canola(1)  command is used to calculate the shortest path a canola
       flower can take between two squares on a chess board.

       This is traditional open source software, and the  usual  build  method
       applies.  After fetching the tarball, do the following:

              $ tar xzf canola-0.1.D001.tar.gz
              $ cd canola-0.1.D001
              $ ./configure --prefix=/usr
              $ make

       The software includes a test suite:

              $ make sure
              Passed all tests.

       If you wish to install the software, only one more command is required:

              $ make install

       All done.  See the canola(1) man page for more how to use it.

       canola version 0.1
       Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Miller

       The  canola  program  comes  with  ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; this is free
       software and you are welcome to redistribute it  under  certain  condi-
       tions; for details see the LICENSE file in the source tarball.

       Peter Miller   E-Mail:   pmiller@opensource.org.au
       /\/\*             WWW:   http://miller.emu.id.au/pmiller/

       This  section details the various features and bug fixes of the various

   Version 0.1 (2011-Oct-27)
       * Program Mode Switch now supported for all modes.

       * Retro widgets now implemented for all keyboard buttons.

       * Most opcodes are now implemented, including  jumps  and  subroutines.
         Some opcodes still have subtle problems.

   Version 0.0 (2011-Oct-01)
Reference Manual                    Canola                     Read Me(Canola)
Source: canola-0.1.D001.README, updated 2011-10-27