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App-FileTools-BulkRename-0.04.tar.gz 2010-11-24 24.1 kB
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BRN(1p)            User Contributed Perl Documentation            BRN(1p)

       brn - bulk rename - a fork of rename.

       brn [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f ]
        [ -C configpath ] [ -M perlmodule ]
        [ -p perlexpr [ -p perlexpr ... ] ]
        { [ -e ] perlexpr | -u preset }
        [ files ... ]

       brn [ -C configpath ]
        { -L preset | --list preset ]

       brn [ -C configpath ] ...
        { -S preset | --save preset ]

       brn -V | --version

       brn -? | --help

       brn -R | --readme

       brn -m | --man

       "brn" renames the filenames supplied according to the rule(s)
       given by the --expr (-e) option(s). If no such option is present
       then the first argument is taken to be the rule. The perlexpr
       argument is a Perl expression which is expected to modify the $_
       string in Perl for at least some of the filenames specified. If a
       given filename is not modified by the expression, it will not be
       renamed. If no filenames are given on the command line, filenames
       will be read via standard input.

       For example, to rename all files matching "*.bak" to strip the
       extension, you might say

               brn 's/\.bak$//' *.bak

       To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use

               brn 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *

       brn loads all Modules into a UserCommand package
       (App::FileTools::BulkRename::UserCommands), and this is also where
       all expresions are evaluated. Note that the UserCommand package
       doesn't have 'strict' turned on, so variables do not need to be
       pre-declared. There are also a few predefined helper functions in
       its scope, to ease common rename tasks.

       In void context, all of these helper functions output as if in
       scalar context by modifing their first parameter or $_ (if their
       parameter is unmodifiable). They will use $_ for their input data
       if called without. Thus, one can now uppercase all files in a
       directory just by saying

               brn 'uc' *

       This can also be used in expression interpolation inside larger
       strings, so as to achieve more complex results. The command:

               brn 's/Show-(.*?).avi/Show - @{[ hc(spc($1)) ]}.avi/' *

       Will extract a substring, perform space replacement, convert to
       highlight case, and re-insert the substring back into the name.

       The full set of helper functions are:

       slurp       slurp reads in an entire file given a filename or
                   filehandle. In array context it returns individual
                   chomped lines, while in scalar context it returns the
                   entire file.

       rd          rd reads entire directories and is the equivalent of
                   slurp. In array context it returns an array containing
                   all the entries in all the directories passed to it.
                   In scalar context it returns all the directory names
                   in a single string, separated by newlines.

       spc($;$)    by default spc() takes a string and returns it with
                   all dots ('.') and underscores ('_') converted to
                   spaces. An optional second argument can provide a
                   string of characters that overrides the list of
                   characters to convert to spaces.

       sc($)       sc() returns its input string converted to 'Sentence'
                   case, meaning that the letter of each embedded
                   sentence will be capitalized.

       tc($)       tc() returns its input string converted to 'Title'
                   case, meaning that the first letter of each word is

       hc($)       hc() returns its input string converted to 'Highlight'
                   case, meaning that the first letter of each non-
                   trivial word is uppercased.

       -v, --verbose
               Verbose: print names of files successfully renamed.

       -n, --nop
               No Operation (NOP): show what files would have been

       -f, --force
               Force: overwrite existing files.

       -e, --expr
               Expression: this option holds a rename expression to be
               used to rename files. Multiple instances of this flag may
               appear on the command line, and they are executed in
               order, for each file specified.

               If no occurance of this flag appears on the command line,
               then the first argument will be taken as a rename
               expression and subsequent arguments will be taken as file

               If this flag does appear on the command line, then all
               arguments are assumed to be file names.

       -M module[=foo,bar]
               Load the listed modules at the start of the program. If
               the optional extra parameters are added, then they will be
               used to import the listed functions. Multiple instances
               can appear on the command line, and they will be loaded in
               the order given.

       -p perlexpr, --preamble=perlexpr
               Preamble: execute the expression once, before looping over
               the files to rename, this can be useful to load data files
               or do other setup before complex rename procedures.
               Multiple preambles can be given, and they will be executed
               in order.

       -u | --use preset
               Use preset: Rather than specifying a complex operation on
               the command line, you can also save a set of command line
               options in a config file, and use them by using the 'use'
               option. By default the config file is stored in
               ${HOME}/.config/rn.conf but this can be changed with the
               --config (-c) command. Multiple use options can be
               specified, and their operations will be executed in turn.

       -S | --save preset
               Save preset: Rather than executing the contents of the
               current command line, the options will be stored in the rn
               config file under the given preset name.

       -L | --list preset
               List preset: Rather than performing a rename operation,
               just list the command line options stored under the given
               preset name. Multiple --list options can be given, to see
               multiple presets.

       -C | --config configpath
               Normally, all stored presets are assumed to be in the
               default location, which is ${HOME}/.config/rn.conf, but
               this can be changed on a preset-by-preset basis with the
               --config option, which allows you to specify the full
               pathname of another config file.

               If a preset itself references other presets then they will
               be looked up either in the last specified config file,
               which will be the one specified in that preset (if any).

       -V | --version
               Version: display the current version of this program, and
               exit with a code of 1.

       -?, --help
               Help: Display this documentation.

       -m, --man
               Manual: Display a full man page.

       The 'HOME' environment variable is used to determine the default
       location of the rn.conf file.

       Original Author: Larry Wall Second Author:   Robin Barker Current
       Author:  Stirling Westrup

       mv(1), perl(1), rename(1), prename(1), File::rename(3pm),

       If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.

       There are probably innumerable bugs in this code as it is still in
       alpha state. Among the known problems are the possibly incorrect
       chaining of -u options, and the failure to always maintain the
       order of mixed -e and -u options.

       In addition there are many stubs for features that do not yet work
       fully (if at all) and the documentation is slightly behind the

       The original "rename" did not check for the existence of target
       filenames, so had to be used with care.  I hope I've fixed that
       (Robin Barker).

       The original "rename" seemed to me to be lacking a number of
       useful features, and as its last update had been back in 1998, I
       (Stirling Westrup) decided to fork a version to work on.

perl v5.10.1                    2010-10-30                        BRN(1p)
Source: README, updated 2010-10-31