Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
0.0.7 2011-12-13
0.0.2 2011-11-19
Experimental 2011-11-13
README 2011-11-19 3.9 kB
Totals: 4 Items   3.9 kB 0
Project Blackwolf PHP Framework 

About the project
This is the Project Blackwolf PHP Framework. It was developed to introduce a 
highly modular alternative to other frameworks. The idea being that the large 
pieces, and small pieces, will be replaced with modified versions.

This project is open-source and volunteer driven. If you notice any bugs or 
locations for code improvement, please provide feedback, or code, so that 
improvements can be made.

In this version
In this very early stage, only a few basic tools are available. The important 
aspects included currently are:

(See each class and sub-classes for more detailed information)

* main.php
    -This user-customizable script provides a means of modifying the startup 
    sequence of a system load

* The System
    -The system provides a method for controlling system components.

* System Components
    -Control PHP environment conditions and situations to allow the framework a
    stable place to operate

* Data Subsystem
    -This subsystem is responsible for the access and the representation of data
    -Provide an API/facade for "data" related operations.
* Data Storage
    -Provide the ability to save arbitrary data to an arbitrary place.

* Data Models
    -Represents or "models" some specific element of information. Such as a news
     post, blog entry, user profile, etc etc...

* Data Attributes
    -Data attributes relate to a specific "part" of a model. Such as the title 
     of a blog entry, or the groups that a user is a member of.

* Permission Subsystem
    -Provides a means of controlling which groups of have specific permissions 
     on elements of data (i.e, data attributes)
    -Provide an API/facade for "permission" related operations.
    -Ex, check if current user has READ permissions on a specific data attribute

* Output Subsystem
    -Provides a means of controlling output that is sent to 

* Template subsystem 
    Provides a means of parsing text and files as templates.

Search the files included for #TODO strings, those are obvious locations for 
development work.

In addition, there are a number of pending subsystems for development. 
They include
    * Cache Subsystem
        - Should provide functionality to cache arbitrary objects
            - Ex, a webpage
            - Ex, a data model
            - Ex, a template token
            - Ex, an output manager
    * User Subsystem
        - Should provide a means for creating/modifying a user
        - Should provide means to authenticate a session
    * Group Subsystem
        - Should provide a means to create groups of users, and to manage groups

Also, there are tons of modules which can be worked on. Such as:
    * News module
    * Administrative modules
        * User management
        * News management
        * group management
    * Blog module
    * etc etc etc

Obviously all of those also have several commands, models, and attributes with 
them... See the sourceforge page for development info there.

This was tested on an Apache server running PHP Version 5.2.17

Please make sure you read the License.txt file.
Source: README, updated 2011-11-19