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Bash Item Tracking System  (BITS)


Version 2.2, Released Wednesday, September 28, 2011
	* Documentation was not getting copied to the user's system during 
	  install.  Only would be noticed if trying to launch help file 
	  from the menu. The bits manual and changelog are now copied to
	* Task times now use a normal 12 hour time format 
	  instead of 24-hour time
	  example:  12:00 AM - Get the newest version of BITS from sourceforge!
	* Annoying mark, cancel, and done sounds not used anymore
	* Whether to ask for customer's payment is now a configurable option.  
	  If change function turned off, log will still be kept, just 
	  less detail in it.
	* Time of reminder messages show along with the reminder itself.
	* An error would occur if auto stats displays was set to zero.
	  This has been fixed. 
	* If you chose to view the report after it was generated, and you had
	  no $EDITOR set, you would get an error since that file view was
	  still using $EDITOR.  Reports will now show after being generated
	  using the less file viewer like the rest of the bits programs.
	* Cleaner time labels for customer traffic.  "12 to 1am" as opposed
	  to "12am-1am.".  Sounds much better with a screen reader too.
	* Configuration program asks for business/company name to put 
	  atop sales reports.  
	* Now tracks total items sold, and gives averages for items
	  purchased per customer, and amount spent per customer.  These new
	  stats show up on stats displays and on the bottom of reports.
	* Use ! for a more concise summary of the statistics.  This view
	  omits the number of items sold per product.

Version 2.0, released Sunday, September 11, 2011
	* All transactions during each bits session will be recorded to a file. 
	  There will be one file for each day.  These logs will be in the logs 
	  directory inside your .bits directory.  Press 2 in bits to view it.
	* Errors would occur when bits was started, then exited before any 
	  items were purchased.  This was caused by  one of the recovery files
	  being written too early.  This has been fixed.  
	* Bits no longer has to be installed to use sounds.  At startup, bits 
	  looks for its sound files in the install location of 
	  /usr/share/sounds/bits, or within the sounds directory that comes 
	  with the program.
	* Now supports displaying messages at specific times of day.  Example:  
	  11:45 - restock fridge, creamers, and snacks.  These are stored in the 
	  'times' file, located in your .bits directory.  Can be enabled or 
	  disabled in configuration program
    * Now asks how much customer paid so change can be calculated for you.  
	  Payment and change amounts are part of log.	
	* New helper scripts:  viewlog, bitsquick for viewing transaction logs 
	  outside of bits and printing a cheat sheet  of bits commands and the 
	  letters assigned to products.  Available from bitsmenu
	* New sections added to documentation to reflect the many changes.
	* The program less is now used to view all files, and the $EDITOR 
	  controls which editor is used to edit files  such as the items file.
	* Now asks if you are sure before exiting bits to prevent quitting in 
	  the middle of your bits session.
	* Installer checks for required programs before installing or running 
	  the main bits program.  Dependencies are:  less, tput, sox, bc, date, tr
	* Voice prompts now spoken by Cepstral Lawrence.  Premium voices for 
	  Linux, Mac & Windows - www.cepstral.com

Version 1.4, released Thursday, January 20, 2010
	* uninstaller now removes all files copied during installation.  Some 
	  scripts, and all other installed  files were not being removed.
	* Can now read documentation using the bits menu  (bitsmenu).  Use the 
      new H option.  
	* All sounds and voice prompts now play correctly with no extra output. 
 	  The sound player was changed from ogg123 to play.  The new player can
 	  be obtained by installing the package 'sox' with your distribution's 
 	  package manager.  For more info about sox, goto http://sox.sourceforge.net
	* Minor changes to the documentation.  (Removed references to section 
	  5, which will not be written.)
	* Dropped the graphical install method.  It's best to have one clear 
	  install path, and also hard to  run a script as root in a graphical
	  desktop.  Documentation has been updated to reflect this change.
	* viewallreports now displays reports correctly when choosing from the 
	  menu.  Before, the report names were being shown, but when you chose 
	  one, it would show a blank file.  
	* bash error message no longer triggers when starting bits without an 
	  items file..  This was happning  because the program tried to test a 
	  variable that was not set.	
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-09-28