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Bash Item Tracking System  (BITS)
by Charles Martin <HiTechCharles@gmail.com>

	1:  Introduction
		1.1: What is bits?
		1.2: System Requirements
		1.3: Things bits can, and cannot do
		1.4: Why the name BITS?
		1.5: Installing and Removing BITS
	2:  Configuration
		2.1: Guided setup using bitsconfig
		2.2: Explanations of files and settings
			2.2.1: Item & Price file
			2.2.2: Hourly time announcement
			2.2.3: Number of transactions between auto stats displays
			2.2.4: Voice Prompts
			2.2.5: Tutor message file
			2.2.6: Show tutor messages when products are sold
			2.2.7: Edit task times file
			2.2.8: Display task reminders at specified times 
			2.2.9: Cashier away message
		   2.2.10: Business or Company Name
		   2.2.11: Change Calculator
		   2.2.12: Sales Tax
		2.3: The .bits directory
	3:	How to use bits
		3.1: Starting bits
		3.2: Keystrokes
		3.3: Tracking sales
		3.4: Selling statistics
		3.5: Transaction log
		3.6: Locking the keyboard
		3.7: Automatic data recovery
		3.8: End-of-day sales reports
	4:	Additional Tasks
		4.1: Access all available functions with bitsmenu
		4.2: View latest sales report  (viewnewestreport)
		4.3: Choose, and display a sales report from a list  (viewallreports)
		4.4: Check transaction logs  (viewlog)
		4.5: Configure bits  (bitsconfig)
		4.6: Delete sales reports, logs, or recovery files  (removefiles) 
		4.7: Read the Help file
		4.8: Keyboard Chart

	BITS is the Bash Item Tracking System.  This program will help you
	run a small snack bar, concession stand, or any other operation	where
	you would like to track sales.  Bits is easy to set up, and use.  All
	that is needed is the names and prices of items, and answers to some 
	simple questions.
	Bits is written in a language called bash, which is a command 
	interpreter found on nearly all Unix and Linux systems.  If you 
	use Unix, Linux, or any other operating system capable of running
	bash, the software can be used.  If you run windows, a program 
	called cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com) will help you run bash 
	programs.  There are a few required packages that need to be 
	installed, these are listed in section 1.5.
	Bits is able to:
		* Track sales by marking items when they are sold.
		* Display messages when a specific item sells.
		* Can display helpful messages at specific times of day
		* Remembers how many customers come in each hour of the day, which
		  gives you an idea when the business is busy, and when it is not.
		* Get product and customer stats at any time.
		* After items are selected, bits totals up the cost of items, and 
		  figures out how much change to give back.
		* Complete transaction log is kept for each day, and each customer
		  for that day, including time, items purchased, total cost, and
		  amount of change given back.
		* Optional  sales tax collection by adding tax to customer's  purchases.
		* Creates easy to follow sales reports that detail all of the 
		  day's activity.
	Bits is not able to:
		* Keep a running count of available inventory, it just tells what
		  is selling, how much cash was taken in, and when customers come.
		* Does not compile information gathered over multiple days.  The 
		  data collected from bits would feed nicely into a database or 
		  spreadsheet for easy retrieval and analysis.  

	For some strange reason, I knew I wanted the name BITS.  Since the
	project is made up of one large program, and other smaller ones.  It is
	bits that come together to make the whole.  
	After figuring out that it would be called BITS, it took a couple of
	weeks to find the right words to stand for the letters.  One afternoon,
	my brain came up with "bash item tracking system".  "Bash" is the
	programming language, and "Item Tracking System" is what the program
	does.  It seemed to fit with the goals of the project so I kept the
	name ever since.

      To install, first go into a terminal and change into the directory 
      where the bits package was downloaded.  Next, extract the files with
      this command: 
			tar -xvf bits-2.4.tar.gz
	  Afterwords, a new directory will be created under the current
	  one called bits2.  Change to this directory with
			cd bits2
	  finally, to install bits, run the installer as root by issuing the command
			sudo ./bitssetup install
	  There are a few special programs that bits relies on.  Most of these will 
	  already be on your system, but one or two may need to be installed with
	  your system's package manager.  The package names and functions are:
	    less   - file viewer
	  	sox    - play sound files
	  	bc     - calculator
	  	tput   - screen & cursor control
		date   - date and time formatting
		tr     - translate ore remove desired characters from text
		time   - Get elapsed time and other info after a program runs
		column - format data into columns
	  If everything went OK, you will see an installation success
	  message.  To remove bits, you can run this command as root 
	  from any directory (since bits is already installed.)
			sudo bitssetup remove
	Once bits is installed, the bits2 directory, and the downloaded file
	can safely be removed.  You must be root to install since files are copied
	to important system directories.  Installation is optional, you can
	run bits programs from the downloaded package, such as:
	For the remainder of this file, it will be assumed that bits is 
	installed on your system.  If not installed, just run the 
	program in question while in the directory containing the bits 	files.
	Bits comes with a step-by-step configuration program, which will 
	let you create the files you need, and set your preferences.  The
	configuration program will run the first time bits is started.  
	Start the configuration tool by going into your terminal, and 
	running this command:
	You can run it by using your graphical environment's "run program"
	option, which is often accessed with the keyboard using ALT+F2.
	Run the command bitsconfig, and make sure to check the "Run in
	terminal" check box.
2.2: Explanations of files and settings
	The bits configuration program will ask thirteen questions.  Three of 
	them will let you edit files, and the others will set preferences.
	The order of the explanations in this section match the order
	of the questions in the configuration program.

	The Item & Price file (items file from now on) stores the names
	and prices of all items that you sell.  If this is your first time
	through the program, an editor will be launched with the file open. 
	otherwise, you will just be asked if you want to change it.  Once 
	you start editing the file, you can start typing in your items and 

	For each product, write the name, such as large coffee.
	On the next line, put the price of the item using only 
	numbers.  Continue this pattern for additional items.

	Here is what an items file would look like:
	Small Coffee
	Large Coffee
	Hot Tea

	After you are done editing, save the file and exit the editor.

	Enabling hourly time announcements will display the time at the top 
	of each hour.  This is enabled by default.
	For this setting, you pick a number of transactions that should take
	place between displaying the selling statistics automatically.  For 
	example, if the number 5 was used, the stats would show every 5 
	customers.  Use 0 to completely disable this feature, the default is 6.
	When most actions are preformed, you can have voice prompts that speak.
	For example, when you show the keyboard help, the message on the screen 
	is read.  Most messages that bits displays are read when voice is on.
	Voice can be turned on or off.  The default is off.
	Tutor messages are small notes that show up when a particular product
	is sold.  A tutor message for a bag of microwave popcorn could read
	"Heat popcorn for 2 minutes and 30 seconds in the microwave." 
	All of the tutor messages are gathered into one file.  Each line in
	this file corresponds with a product.  The order of the lines match
	the order of products in the item & price file.  If you do not need
	a message for an item, leave that line blank, and move to the next.
	To get the order of your products, run the command bitsquick to get
	a list of your items.  The letters before each item will be explained
	in Section 3.  For example, if your first product is coffee, the first
	line of the tutor message file should contain a message about coffee.
	After you set up your tutor messages, you can choose whether to display
	those messages.  Answer yes if messages should show, or no if messages
	should not display.  The default is for messages to be silent.  

	To be reminded to do tasks at specific times of day, set up the task time file.
	One task is defined per line.  Its form is:
	<time> - <Reminder message>
	An example task times file would look like this:
	7:00 AM - Business is open, unlock front doors
	10:00 AM - Restock refrigerator
	2:00 PM - Shop is closed, begin shutdown tasks
	This option controls the displaying of your set reminders.  Answering yes
	will show them, no will not.  The default is no.

	When the computer will be unattended or want to prevent accidental 
	keystrokes, the keyboard can be locked.  When this is done, you can 
	control the message that displays.  Type any one-line message, and
	hit ENTER.  For more about screen locking, see section 3.6 in this
	file.  If there is no input when this question is asked, an away
	message will be provided. 

	This setting controls the name put atop your sales reports.  Just
	type the desired name, and hit enter.  The default is "Bash Item
	Tracking System" if no input is given.

	The change calculator asks how much the customer paid, so bits can 
	figure out the correct change.  The payment and change amounts go
	into the transaction log.  (See section 3.5.)  When asked, just type 
	in the customer's payment amount using numbers and the decimal point.  
	If there is change due, bits will tell you how much.  The default for
	this function is off.
	During input, hit enter with no entry or a value of 0 to cancel the 
	current sale.  The letter E can be used to stand for exact change.
2.2.12: SALES TAX
	Sales tax can be applied automatically to customer's purchases.
	A list of states and their sales tax will appear.  To choose a
	state, just type in its two-letter state code, such has MI for
	Michigan.  To disable sales tax collection, type NT.
	To use a value of your choosing, type CV, and you will be 
	prompted for the desired tax percentage.  Use numbers and
	the decimal point.
	Statistics views and reports will show the total sales tax 
	collected for the current session, and the income amount
	does not include the sales tax paid by customers.  	Tax 
	is disabled by default.
2.3:  THE .bits DIRECTORY
	The configuration, log, report, and recovery files are placed in
	the .bits directory, located in the user's home directory.  Inside
	the main bits folder, are the following files:
		* bits.conf - bits configuration file
		* items - Names and prices of all products for sale
		* messages - Tutor message file
		* times - time-based reminder messages
		* bits-keylist - Generated by bitsquick, which shows all 
		  keyboard functions
	There are three sub directories within the .bits directory:
		* logs - holds transaction logs, one for each day.
		* recovery - Contains all of the data needed to recover the
		  sales data in case of a program crash or power outage. 
		  This directory will either be empty or contain the
		  customertraffic, itemssold, misc, and sessioninfo files. 
		* reports - Holds sales reports, which are created when
		  completing a bits session.  A list of all reports can be
		  viewed with the viewallreports command.

	Bits can be started in one of two ways, depending on where the
	program is.
	If bits has been installed, use a terminal or your desktop 
	environment to run the command
	To run from within the downloaded package, extract it, and go into
	the newly created bits2 directory, and run

	Once bits is started, you will get a welcome message.  If you have not 
	created an item & price file, you will be taken through bitsconfig to 
	answer the necessary questions, and make the needed files.
	After start-up, there are several keys used to operate the program.
	For each key, a section number with more details is in parenthesis.
	Press ? in bits to see this list.
		A-Z		Mark items as sold  		(Section 3.3)
		:		Lock screen  				(Section 3.6)
		?		Help						(You're reading it now!)
		1		Display selling statistics	(Section 3.4)
		!		Shorter stats display		(Section 3.4)
		2		View transaction log		(Section 3.5
		3		Cancel a sale				(Section3.3)
		5		Show product letters		(Section3.3)
		7		Give current date and time
		0		Exit						(Section 3.8)

	Bits works on the principal of letting the computer know when items
	are sold.  From that, bits can track total sales, customer traffic
	patterns, and what time the last sale was made.  Optionally, a 
	message can be shown for each product when it sells for extra
	information.  Reminders can come up that let you know about 
	tasks that need to be performed.  If used, sales tax will be added
	to the customer's total.
	After bits looks over your list of products, it assigns each a 
	letter of the alphabet.  This letter is used to mark that
	item as sold.  Your first product in your item & price file
	will get the letter A, the second item will get B, and so on,
	for a maximum of 26 products.
	When a customer purchases items, just press the letters that
	correspond with the products that were sold.  As you do this,
	the items that you are selecting show up together on the screen.
	When you are done marking items for a customer, either wait ten
	seconds, or press the space bar to tell bits that you are finished
	selecting items.  
	If you have the change calculator enabled, you are asked how much 
	the customer has paid.  Just type the amount.  (Numbers and decimal
	only.)  The current sale can be canceled during numeric input by 
	leaving it blank or typing 0.  Use the letter 'e' to quickly use 
	exact change.  If the customer is to receive change, the amount 
	will be shown.  That's all it takes!
	There are a couple of useful keys that deal with canceling the
	current sale, and showing the proper letters to mark items.
	To find out which letter to use with each product, press the 
	5 key.  It may be helpful to run the bitsquick command, which 
	generates a file with your product letters that you can print.  
	(See section 4.8 for more details on the bitsquick command.)  
	If you make a mistake while selecting items, press the 3 key 
	to cancel the current set of selections and start over.
	As you progress through the day, you will have handled many
	transactions.  To see all of the information bits provides,
	press the 1 key. 
	In the first section, the number of sales for each product
	appears.  Following that, the number of customers for each 
	hour of the day is displayed.  The final group of lines
	show total customers, items sold, income, and last time a 
	sale was made.  Per-customer calculations, and total 
	sales tax collected appear last.
	This same information goes into the sales report that is created
	when you exit.  See section 3.8 for more information about the
	reports.  To see just the totals, rather than the sales
	for all products, use the ! key instead of 1.

	A customer thinks he was short-changed.  How do you check?  Open
	up the detailed transaction log by pressing the 2 key.  For each
	customer, a record of the time, items purchased, cost, 	customer
	payment, and amount of change is given.  There is one log for 
	each day, even if more than one complete bits session is involved.
	If change calculator is disabled, the amount of change and customer
	payment details will be omitted from the log.
	Once the log opens, use the arrows to scroll, space to go down
	one screen, and q to quit.  Bits lets you know that it's ready
	for input after exiting the log.
	When the person operating the computer is taking a break, or if
	you need to get the crumbs out of your keyboard, it is a good
	idea to prevent accidental key presses by locking the keyboard.
	To lock the keyboard, hit the : (colon) key.  After pressing
	that key, a message displays that shows others that the
	cashier is away.  (This message is changeable in the 
	configuration program, bitsconfig.)  
	While the keyboard is locked, the keys will type letters,
	but will not mark items or perform functions.  This allows
	others to leave messages on the screen.  Anything can be typed
	in this mode.  Any reminders that happen during screen lock will
	not be shown.  To return to normal operation, type the word
	unlock on a blank line.  Lock and unlock times are put into the
	transaction log, as well as the total time away from the computer.
	Computers crash, lose power, restart themselves, or just plain
	misbehave.  Rest assured that bits can recover from any accident
	or interruption.  Each time a product is sold, recovery data is
	written to disk.  
	If your bits session is interrupted, just run bits again to
	recover from the last session.  Everything is the way it was
	before the problem occurred.  To remove the  recovery data, and
	start from scratch, exit bits, and use the command
		removefiles -r
	(See section 4.6 for more details on the removefiles command.)

	The day is finally over.  How do you get a nice report out of 
	this pile of bits?  Press the 0 key on the keyboard to end bits
	and generate a report.  You will be asked if you are sure you 
	want to exit.  Press the Y key to generate the report, N will
	return you to the program.
	When the report is ready, you will be asked
	whether to view the new report.  Press Y for yes, or N for no.  Either
	way, all reports are saved for later viewing with the 
	viewnewestreport and viewallreports commands.  (See the 
	appropriate sections in chapter 4.)

	For the easiest experience, a menu can be used to access any part
	of the bits system.  The only command you need to remember is 
	When you run this, you are able to start the main program, tweak
	its settings, view reports and logs, remove files, and view the
	help file and keyboard chart.  Press the letter for the option 
	you want.  All options available from the menu will be outlined 
	in this chapter.  The commands you can use for the different 
	operations are in parenthesis.  Only the command for removing
	files, (removefiles) supports command line options.

4.2:  VIEW LATEST SALES REPORT  (viewnewestreport)
	All reports are saved together in a reports directory.  To look at
	the newest one, use N from the bits menu or the command
	The newest report will show up on the screen.  If there are no
	reports to look at, you will be alerted to this fact.  Exit bits
	completely, and wait for it to say that the report was saved.

	To see all available reports, use R from the menu or run
	The 26 newest reports are shown from newest to oldest.  Hit the 
	letter next to the one you want to look at it.  To see a different 
	one, run the command again.  The actual report files are stored in
	your home directory under the .bits/reports directory.

	To see action logs for any one day, run viewlog and choose the date
	you want displayed by letter.  Up to 26 different logs can be listed.
	Log files are stored in the logs directory under the bits main directory.

4.5:  CONFIGURE BITS  (bitsconfig)
	The configuration process is outlined in chapter 2.  To change
	settings, press C in the bits menu or run
	Go completely through the config program to allow bits to start correctly.
	When it's time for spring cleaning or if you need to remove
	recovery data, press D from the menu or type the command
	With this tool, sales reports, recovery data, or logs can be
	deleted from your system.  Press R for recovery data, S for 
	sales reports, L for logs, or A for all data types.  If bits 
	is running, you will not be able to remove recovery files.  
	Exit bits with CONTROL+C and try again.  This prevents not 
	having recovery files while you are working.
	removefiles has command line options that allow removing 
	files easily.  You can use -a for all, -l for logs, -r for 
	recovery data, or -s for sales reports.
4.7:  Reading the help file	  
	To read this file from the menu, you can press the H key from
	within bitsmenu.  The help file is in /usr/share/doc/bits,
	or in the docs directory within the installation package.

4.8:  KEYBOARD CHART  (bitsquick)
	The keyboard chart will show the alphabetic letter assignment
	for each product, as well as its selling price.  At the end, 
	all bits function keys are listed.  The chart shows on-screen,
	and a file with this same list is saved in your .bits directory
	as bits-keylist.  

Last updated Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-11-12