Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Readme.txt 2011-04-04 849 Bytes
Motifs.pl 2011-04-04 151.3 kB
lengths.pl 2011-04-04 1.7 kB
SwissProtParser_1.0.zip 2011-04-04 69.0 kB
ProteinSearch_1.0.zip 2011-04-04 71.0 kB
GenBankParser_1.0.zip 2011-04-04 109.3 kB
AlignHits_0.9.zip 2011-04-04 136.8 kB
GenBankParser_0.01.zip 2011-03-12 109.3 kB
Totals: 8 Items   649.1 kB 0
The BioTools are complete BioInformatics programs.

Database Searching and Alignment Tools:

  ProteinSearch - searches a list of protein FASTA databases with for protein sequences.
                - this program can identify evolutionarily related sequences deep into 
                  the twilight zone (as low as 5% sequence identity).

  AlignHits - generates protein multiple sequence alignments from ProteinSearch results
            - this program can align more than 20,000 protein sequences!

Parser Tools:

  GenBankParser - GenBank source file parser; generates FASTA files

  SwissProtParser - SwissProt source file parser; generates FASTA file


  lengths.pl - summarizes the lengths of sequences in a FASTA sequences file.

  Motifs.pl - identifies Prosite motifs in a protein FASTA sequences file.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2011-04-04