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bellamybot 2014-07-06
README 2014-07-30 11.9 kB
BellamyBot-2.1.0.zip 2014-07-30 16.8 kB
Totals: 3 Items   28.7 kB 0
BellamyBot 2.1.0 created by Kueller917 from the Muse Board.
Originally written as an mIRC script. Any version of that sort is now 


Included in this folder should be:
The python files are the program and its functions. The main program is in 
bellamybot.py. This is designed to run on the python2 engine. The nickserv 
password is not included, therefore some functions that require op may not 
work. Feel free to change the nick to one that works for you if I have not 
given you the password myself. This variable is on line 25 of 

The text files are all accessed at some point or another by the program for 
various purposes. Python should by default handle text files in the same 
folder the program is in. If you are running from a shell, the "default" 
directory will be the folder you are in, so be sure to cd into the 
BellamyBot folder before running.

For specific information on how these files are handled see the functions they
are used in, mainly setlistgenerator.py

Another set of text files may be included in the GigArchive folder. This is a 
storing of all prior setlists. Unlike the other files, GigArchive is accessed 
through a set filepath and not Python's default

Wherever Python writes files to by default should be considered the root 
folder. For example, if Python by default writes files to this folder, then 
the path should just be "GigArchive/". Remember Windows uses backslashes in 
its directory listings.

As per the license, you may do whatever the fuck you want with this. More info



Linux variants:
Install the "python2" package, which should be in your official repositories. 
Open a terminal and cd into the BellamyBot folder, then type:
    python2 bellamybot.py

You can use the full path to run from another folder, but be sure to move the
text files to that folder first.

Download and install Python 2.7.6 from Python's website. Can be found at

Open up the IDLE (Python GUI) program. This will bring up the Python shell. Go 
to File > Open and find and open the bellamybot.py file. If you haven't set a
valid filepath in txtfunctions.py yet, you can open txtfunctions the same way
and edit and save. 
Now, in the bellamybot.py window, go to Run > Run Module (or F5) to run the bot. 
The main shell window will be showing the information. 

I have not used OS X. I assume it can work the same way, or similarly, to 
Linux, being fully POSIX compliant and all. I'm sure you can also get the IDE
to run it similarly to Windows.

The implementation sometimes makes it so that the commands are entered faster 
than the IRC server can handle them. You may need to run the program a few times 
to get it to work properly. Recommended you open up an IRC client for yourself. 
If BellamyBot joins the intended channel, it worked. 

If your text files are not in a valid location, or if you have not set a valid 
path in txtfunctions.py and try to run !setprevious, the program will crash.


This next part will be a quick overview of the functions.

BellamyBot runs on IRC through commands beginning with a '!'. Some commands 
have following arguments and some don't. For commands without arguments, 
type the command then hit enter. Extra spaces after the command will not 
run the function.

Arguments are usually written as lists with commas, or a single following 
argument. Being a simple bot it is somewhat expected you will understand the 
commands. Bad arguments can result in unwanted behavior.

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Op Commands:
    These are commands only runnable by users with op status. 

BellamyBot has two states to signify behavior: WAKE, or SLEEP. The majority of
commands will only work if BellamyBot is "awake". By default, it joins the 
channel asleep. Best practice is to wake it closely before a gig begins. 
Commands are either:

    !wake           or
The commands can be cycled through. To view what state the bot is in use


Wake and sleep will also respectively activate or deactivate the timers that 
trigger random phrases.

BellamyBot can greet users as they enter the channel. The welcomes can be 
triggered on or off and will only work when the bot is awake. By default, join
messages are off. It is recommended to turn off join messages if the join rate
gets too high. Toggle by using

    !joinmsg ARG
ARG can be either "on" or "off", without quotations. 

The main purpose of BellamyBot is to control and handle Muse setlists. These 
are the list of functions to work with. For these next few functions, know 
that commands that can read setlists are accessible by everyone, and commands 
that write to setlists are only accessible by ops.

GIG SET: This sets the concert. Please keep consistent to the specified style 
when using this.

How to separate the location is up to the user, but at least include the venue
and country. Separating city and state is acceptable if called for. Use 
initials for the country. To view the current gig use !gig.

    !setgig 2007/06/16 Wembley Stadium, London, UK
    !setgig 2013/08/13 Zepp Tokyo, Tokyo, JP

ADD SONG: This command appends a song to the current setlist, including a 
setlist with zero entries. The function can take multiple arguments and will 
add songs in order from left to right. Songs are separated by commas. The last
song should not have a comma.

    !add SONG1, SONG2, SONG3...
Common abbreviations as song entries will be expanded to full names. See the 
AcronymReplace function on line 9 of txtfunctions.py for a specific list. 
To view the current setlist, use !setlist

    !add B&H                    
         writes: "Butterflies & Hurricanes"

    !add Supremacy, Panic Station, PiB      
         writes: "Supremacy, Panic Station, Plug In Baby"
UNDO SONG: A simple command, it will undo the latest song entered into the 
setlist. BellamyBot will confirm if the song was removed succesfully.


        output: "Supremacy, Panic Station, Plug In Baby"

        output: "The last song has been erased."

        output: "Supremacy, Panic Station"
REPLACE SONG: If a mistaken song is found and it is not the latest song, 
instead of using undo multiple times and rewriting the rest of the set, 
replace song can be used. As title suggests, it will replace an entered song 
with the song you give it. You can only replace one song at a time.

The EXISTING SONG is a song in the setlist. NEW SONG is the song to replace it.
Both parameters can be entered as acronyms. If there are more than 2 entires, 
or if the song is not found, an error will be returned by the bot. 

        output: "Plug In Baby, New Born, Uprising"

    !replace New Born, Stockholm Syndrome       
        output: "Plug In Baby, Stockholm Syndrome, Uprising"

DELETE SONG: This is if you simply want to remove an entire slot in the 
setlist. Unlike !remove, this can delete multiple songs. The songs can also
be scattered througout the setlist.

    !delete SONG1, SONG2, SONG3...

Much like !add, you separate the song names by commas. Acronyms in place of 
song names is also valid. After entering the command BellamyBot will return
the number of songs succesfully removed.

        output: "New Born, Supermassive Black Hole, Take A Bow, Survival"

    !delete New Born, TaB, Starlight        
        output: "Deleted 2 out of 3 songs."

        output: "Supermassive Black Hole, Survival" 
CLEAR SET: When everything is done, the setlist can be emptied by the clear 
set command.

And that's it. I don't think you need an example for it.

PREVIOUS SETLIST: When the gig is all done and everyone is complaining it's 
time to assign the current setlist as the previous. Make sure everything is 
correct then simply run the command.

This will copy the current setlist to the .previous file and head it with the 
current gig from the .gig file (that was set using !setgig). Make sure both 
the 'setlist' and 'gig' files are accurate.

It will also copy everything to an archive file to be put into GigArchive, or 
whatever directory it's meant to go to. This is where making sure the filepath
variable is valid is important. BellamyBot will confirm when all is finished. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Non-op basic commands:
    These commands can be accessed by everyone. 
The following commands can be run even if the bot is offline:

    !bot            Displays the bot version and state.
    !gig            Displays the current set gig.

    !message MESSAGE GOES HERE
        This will write a message to the .ircmsg file and give me a 
        memo that there is a message. Use if I am afk. Change to 
        another nick (line 223 bellamybot.py) if you want someone else 
        to get the memo
The following commands are state dependent:

    !setlist        Lists the current setlist from the .setlist. 
                    Also tells if setlist is empty.
    !previousset    Lists the previous setlist from the .previous file.
    !commands       Lists the available commands. 
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Non-op game commands:
    These can also be run by everyone. Info in musegames.py file.
    !closer         Gives a random closer taken from the .closer file.
    !opener         Same but for openers from the .opener file
    !realfan        You're either a REAL FAN or not. Simple binary
                    random generator.
    !ru-roulette    A game of Russian Roulette. Will NOT work if 
                    you're an op or higher.
    !roulette       Runs the T2L tour style roulette. Either New 
                    Born, Stockholm Syndrome, or green
    !green          If you get green, run green to get a rarity. 
                    Only valid if you land on green.
    !manson         Gives or takes a number of Manson guitars to a
                    nick. Stores the value offline.
    !setgen         Generates a random setlist. See setlistgenerator.py 
                    for more info.
    !choice SONG    
        Sometimes BellamyBot will prompt for a crowd choice. If so it 
        will take song requests done through !choice for one minute, 
        then pick a random song from the list. Command is only valid
        for that minute.
Source: README, updated 2014-07-30