Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2012-02-11 1.0 kB
AstroDuino-0.1.zip 2012-02-11 192.0 kB
Totals: 2 Items   193.1 kB 0
Files for this project:

AstroDuino-*.zip		 - All files in a release.

The directory structure for a release:

AstroDuino                       - Sketch directory, copy to your sketchbook folder
  +--AstroDuino.ino              - The sketch for Arduino UNO.

images				 - Images used by the wiki

libraries			 - All libraries. Copy this to your sketchbook directory:
  +-- LX200                      - Class for implementing the LX200 protocoll
  +-- ErrorLed                   - Flashes led indicating errors. See LX200.h for error codes.
  +-- QuadratureReader           - Code for reading optical quadrature DSC encoders.
  +-- BufferedSerial             - Buffered serial interface for non-locking output.
  +-- DSC                        - Digital Settings Circle.
  +-- EquatorialCoordinateSystem - Classes for RightAscension and Declination

eagle                            - Eagle CAD files:
  +-- AstroDuino.brd             - Suggestion for a PCB-board
  +-- AstroDuino.sch             - Wiring of the ST-4 interface
Source: README, updated 2012-02-11