Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Asperger-0.5 2013-10-27
Asperger-0.4 2013-10-02
Asperger-0.3 2013-02-17
Asperger-0.2 2013-02-12
README 2013-10-02 1.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.6 kB 0
Asperger is a simple, no bullshit web app to manage your customer credentials and hosts.
It is called Asperger because I have it.


It is meant for professional services, support and IT teams but you can use for other things too, I won't get angry:)

Asperger is written in PHP, JS, has some CSS and uses SQLite as DB.
Auth. is done via LDAP.

I tested it with PHP 5.3.3, 5.4.4-12 and SQLite, 3.6.20 but any PHP 5.n.n and SQLite 3.n should do.

- PHP 5.0.0 and above
- SQLite 3
- PHP LDAP extension
- SQLite3 PHP extension
- LDAP PHP extension [used for auth.]

# sqlite3  db/schema.sql >/aperger/db/dir/asperger.db
# chown -R $APACHE_USER /aperger/db/dir 

Note that due to something I would call a bug, the DB directory should have 775, you would think 755 on directory and 644 on DB file would do it but - nope.
Asperger supports records for 3 web UI apps. These will be their labels in customer.php, you need to edit the labels in locale.inc.

Edit conn.inc to reflect your LDAP server, realm and path to asperger.db file.
Request: http://yourhost/path/to/asperger/docroot
Edit locale.inc as per your preferences.

UPGRADE NOTE: there were schema addition for this version, please make sure you manually do the correct alter statements, compering between db/schema.sql as supplied here and the output of .schema as you see it in your sqlite3 for the version you use now.

For bug reports, feature requests, what not, please email to: kernel01@gmail.com

CSS colors selected by Christopher Deneen, yours truly is bad with colors.
Source: README, updated 2013-10-02