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Practice - Simple Client Management Software

Give your team the tools to schedule, track sessions, and manage clients — in real-time, automatically.

Everything you need to know about running your client-based business, in one place.
Transform the complexities of your clinical trial in a much simpler process. Icon
Create, in a few hours, an eCRF that is as easy to use as a paper one, and avoid the biggest headaches in data collection in Pre-authorisation and Post-authorisation studies of your medical device. Incorporate an EDC that is highly flexible when creating the eCRF, this will allow you to meet the needs of any kind of study. Save tons of time in the management and monitoring of the study with the management and monitoring tools included in the EDC. Use a validated system with all the security guarantees that give trust to the sponsor and allow the collection of quality data. Don’t wait until the analysis phase to discover mistakes in the data or you will end up chasing down investigators to correct them. Prevent the process of creation of an eCRF from being long and complex.
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Secure access to apps and virtual desktops.

Virtualized Windows and Linux apps and desktops to any device through public or private cloud.

Unlike other competitors to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops or VMware Horizon Apps, Inuvika OVD Enterprise uses Linux powered application virtualization. As a result, you will need fewer Microsoft Windows licenses. With better processing speed, less infrastructure is needed to deliver a cloud-based app or desktop experience when compared to other desktop virtualization software or VDI.
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Spreadsheets are hard. Nostra is easy.

A single tool that advances the performance of your professional services business through data and AI.

Save administrative costs with simple time tracking and approvals. Understand with precision how your employees are actually spending their time relative to plan. Gain insights on the performance of your company so you can be more strategic on growing your business. Integrate with your existing CRM, or leverage Nostra's to gain insight on your profits and how your sales pipeline is putting demands on your resources. Make only the hires you have to. Gain early insight your sales pipeline and being intune with all inflight projects, Nostra will guide you on exactly when, what and who to hire for. Track milestones and time entry so you know what you can invoice for and when and get paid on time. With approval workflows and integrations with GL systems, you will not leak any revenue.
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Time Tracking Software for cost-effective projects

Trusted by 10,000+ companies across the globe

actiTIME is time tracking software that allows businesses to manage time, projects, teams and clients in a single place.

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English, Chinese (Simplified), Spanish, Russian

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C++, C, Java



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bauuuuu, kubersharma

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