Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
LedBoard 2013-01-18
ArdvtLedBoard.0.2.0715.tgz 2014-07-15 15.0 kB
readme.txt 2014-07-15 2.9 kB
ledboard.txt 2013-01-05 434 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   18.3 kB 2
Welcome to ArdvtLedBoard. An Arduino library for the Advatel TCD226R Ledboard

To use the library just copy the LedBoard dir to your <Arduino>/libraries/ dir.

= Wiring / Hardware =

       The TCD226R has 3 main types of ICs..
          1. TPIC6B595N - POWER LOGIC 8-BIT SHIFT REGISTER - these hold the data for a row of leds
          2. 74LS145N BCD-TO-DECIMAL DECODER - these select the row to draw
          3. 74HC08N - Quad 2-input AND gate - used to buffer output to next board
      The main ones we are intersted in are #1 and #2

     These are the "chip pins" looking at the "cable end" of the LedBoard data cable
      ______|-----|_______ (key on top)
      | DO D2 RK SIN GND |
      | D1 D3 G  SCK GND |
	D0,D1,D2,D3 pins connect to the on board 74LS145N's (BCD DECODERs).
	RK,G, SIN, SCK pins connect to the on board TPIC6B595N's (SHIFT REGISTERs).

      These should be connected to the following Arduino digits I/O pins
      ______|-----|_______ (key on top)
      | P4 P6 P8 P11 GND |
      | P5 P7 P9 P13 GND |

NB: (July2014)
I had a typo on the above pinouts. SIN should be Pin 11 (MOSI) not Pin 12 (MISO). (Thanks Dan!!!)

= Library Examples =

* Basic_LedBoard_Demo
  This demo just shows the basic use of the library - loading some hard coded message transitions.

* Advanced_Ledboard_Demo
  This demo uses both an SD Card and serial input to provide messages.

= Transition Types =
The following list shows the integer values for transition types.
These can be used in the SD Card or Serial inputed transitions.

LB_LSLIDE=3,  	LB_RSLIDE=4,		// Slide entire string in from left or right
LB_LCSLIDE=5,  LB_RCSLIDE=6,		// Slide character at a time
LB_LSLIDE2=7, 	LB_RSLIDE2=8,		// slide with rotate
LB_SPINU=9, 	LB_SPIND=10 };		// spin up/down - poker machine style effect

= Other Files =
ledboard.txt  - A demo file for SD Card use. Contains the same transitions from the Basic Demo but in text format.
ArdvtLedBoard.tgz - contains all files for easy download

= Background Information =
I posted some of my early findings online to the following thread

Some videos I have made regarding the evolution of this library can be found on youtube.




= Contact Me =
If you find this library useful, or would like to report any bugs. 
Please email me at jkrah.geo@yahoo.com
Source: readme.txt, updated 2014-07-15