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Copyrights(c) 2013 IIIT Bangalore

Product Name: iiitb-simulator-1.0

Guide: Prof Shrisha Rao				srao@iiitb.ac.in
	   Prof Poonacha P G			poonacha.pg@iiitb.ac.in
	Abhilash C S					abhilash.gowder@iiitb.org		
	Abhishek Varshney				abhishek.varshney@iiitb.org
	Dilip S							dilip.s@iiitb.org
	Navik Yogesh Laljibhai			navik.yogeshlaljibhai@iiitb.org
	Pradyot H Adavi					pradyot.h.adavi@iiitb.org

1. Introduction
The package contains aodv protocol which is used to find a route from a given source to destination
in a Ad hoc network environment. The package also has a emulator which displays the results in the
graphical format after the end of the simulation.

2. Installation & Uninstallation
To install the simulation package, move to the folder iiitb-simulator-1.0 and then execute the
shell script "install.sh" for installing the package. This script would install two executable
	a) ns-iiitb ---- which is used to find a route between a given source and destination using 
					 aodv protocol in the given network topology
	b) nam-iiitb ---- which is used to display the simulation in graphical format.
To uninstall, move to the folder iiitb-simulator-1.0 and execute the shell script uninstall.sh
3. How to specify input
The input to the simulator would be the network topology and events(find a route between the source
and destination). 

	a) To specify the co-ordinates of the nodes(positions) in the topology, the format is 
			NodeNo<space>X-axis<space>Y-axis	Eg: 0 50 50
			NOTE: 1) Kindly specify the nodes in the increasing order of their nodeNo's.
				  2) It also NOT necessary to specify the co-ordinates of all the nodes. Nodes who's
				  co-ordinates are not specified would be randomly generated in the range 1300,1300.
	b) The events should be mentioned after specifying the co-ordinates of the nodes. The format is 
			SrcNodeNo<space>DstNodeNo<space>EventTime	Eg: 0 8 1.4
			NOTE: The events can be specified in order and NEED NOT BE in the increasing order of 
					EventTime, SrcNodeNo or DstNodeNo


4. Execution
To execute the simulation type the following command from the folder where the input file of the 
topology is present. 

$ns-iiitb<space>topologyFile<space>NoOfNodes<space>SimulationTime > output.txt
Eg: $ns-iiitb input.txt 10 20 > output.txt

NOTE: It is important to redirect it to the output.txt file else the statements would be printed on
the console. Also the nam-iiitb would not function as expected if the output.txt file is not found.

To execute the emulator which the shows the simulation in graphical form, type
Source: README.txt, updated 2013-04-23