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+What is AmiCoX?+
AmiCoX is a simple GUI written in Gambas3 for audio chiptune emulators.

+What is a chiptune?+
("Definition from Wikipedia")
A chiptune, also known as chip music, is synthesized electronic music often produced with the sound chips of vintage computers and video game consoles, 
as well as with other methods such as emulation. 
In the early 1980s, personal computers became cheaper and more accessible than they had previously been. 
This led to a proliferation of outdated personal computers and game consoles that had been abandoned by consumers as they upgraded to newer machines. 
They were in low demand by consumers as a whole, and not difficult to find, making them a highly accessible and affordable method of creating sound or art.

+What format are supported?+
-All audio in compressed (zip,rar,7zip,lha formats) and uncompressed formats supported by:
* UADE (Commodore Amiga)
* Sidplay2 (Commodore 64) 
* Xmp (Dos, demo, cracktro).

1 - Gambas3 dependencies:
- Compiled by Home site http://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/main.html
- Also Ubuntu/Debian derivate can install prebuild ppa from:  ppa:nemh/gambas3

2 - At least one of the following chiptune players emulators: "Any player are avaiable on official repository"
- UADE	(for Commodore Amiga chiptunes)
- Sidplay2 	(for Commodore C64 chiptunes)
- Xmp	(for Dos,Demo,Cracktro chiptunes)

3 - (OPTIONAL)  p7zip , p7zip-full, p7zip-rar and lha libraries for compressed file formats support.
- Usually avaiables on official repository

- At startup AmiCoX create a hidden folder called ."AmiCoX" into your 'Home' folder, inside this folder you can find "xmpFF" file,  
this file will used by AmiCoX to operate a filter search by extension file.
If you want you can edit ".xmpFF" to esclude any filter search by deleting any extensions.
- MOD/MED/MAD file are played by Xmp by default, in some cases UADE  play better these files, to force the use of this module, 
just flag the option on the top right UADE tab.

+Know bugs+
- Sidplay2 and Xmp do not update properly the playning time of  the song.

- AmiCoX is written in Gambas3 by Speedvicio.
- Thank you very much "fsurfing" for your help , some portions of code embedded in this program belong to him.
- Thank you www.gambas-it.org and the users of his forum for the great guides and tips.

++Download and info at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/amicox/
Source: README, updated 2012-03-05