Home / Releases / 0.1B1
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README-0.1B1.txt 2013-03-23 1.1 kB
fun_plug 2013-03-16 2.9 kB
Alt-F-0.1B1.tar 2012-06-16 7.9 MB
Alt-F-0.1B1.bin 2012-06-16 7.8 MB
Totals: 4 Items   15.7 MB 0
Deprecated, a newer release is available. 

=== March 26, 2010: Alt-F-0.1B1 released

I'm pleased to announce Alt-F, an alternative firmware for the D-Link DNS-323 and compatible NAS.

Alt-F provides an alternative firmware for the DLINK DNS323, that can be either run "on top" of the vendor firmware, not voiding your warranty, or flashed into the hardware, probably voiding your warranty.

Alt-F has Samba and NFS; supports ext2/3/4, VFAT and NTFS filesystems; RAID 0, 1, 5 and linear; rsync, ftp, ssh, lpd, DNS and DHCP servers, DDNS... and more.

Besides the builtin software, Alt-F also supports additional packages on disk, including ffp packages.

Alt-F also has a comprehensive set of administering web pages.

Home Page: http://sites.google.com/site/altfirmware
Source Code: http://code.google.com/p/alt-f
Discussion: http://groups.google.com/group/alt-f

The inevitable web pages screen shots: http://sites.google.com/site/altfirmware/home/screen-shots

Please discuss, report bugs, errors, wishes, and send your patches.

This work wouldn't be possible without this forum and fonz work.

Thanks and enjoy,
Source: README-0.1B1.txt, updated 2013-03-23