Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README 2011-07-07 3.0 kB
agx-addons-asterisk-1.4.42-spandsp-0.0.6-pre18-ubuntu-prebuilt.tar.bz2 2011-07-07 1.7 MB
precompiled-linux-spandsp-app-fax.tar.bz2 2009-10-19 801.5 kB
Totals: 3 Items   2.5 MB 0
README for AGX Addons

Homepage: http://www.badpenguin.org/asterisk-1.4-fax-addon

This package contains additional modules for Asterisk which are, for one reason 
or another, not included in the normal base distribution.  Many of these
modules are experimental or have a GPL license without a disclaimer that allow
digium to insert them into the official distribution (double licensed).

This work/effort has been sponsored by:
- since 2005 by Antonio Gallo http://www.badpenguin.org/
- in 2007 by http://www.mercuriuspbx.it/
- in 2011 by http://www.mixvoip.com/

Those addons are only for Asterisk 1.4, since 1.6 already include them.
You need the exact spandsp library version as required for the fax
application otherwise it will not work.


If you downloaded the tarball please delete it and try the svn version instead
since the tarball is almost always out-of-date.

SOURCE under the "SVN" menù. BINARIES are under the "FILES" menù.


IMPORTA: app_valetparking is now EXPERIMENTAL

- Common preprequisite:
	- CMake (tool)
	- libTiff >= 3.8 and < 4.0
	- Zaptel (NO DAHDI)

- For "NEW" version you need:
	* Asterisk 1.4.42
	* SpanDSP 0.0.6 pre 18 ONLY

The NEW version provide a single file: app_fax.so

When you're done then review and execute the script:

NOTE: To install CMake On Fedora 6, thanks to Michael Gollihue, run:
		yum install CMake Glib2 Glib2-devel

- For "OLD version you need:
	* Asterisk 1.4.17
	* SpanDSP 0.0.4 pre 15, 16 or 18
	* edit CMaleList.txt and change "add_subdirectory(spandsp-0.0.6)" with 0.0.4
The OLD version still use app_rxfax.so and app_txfax.so


Please have a look at CHANGES file and BUGS_KNOW_PROBLEMS.


Unluckly i cannot provide any form of free support for this software since i'm
very busy with my work, put please help me share your opinions so i can at least 
keep the docs updated.

Antonio Gallo
	@mail: agx at linux dot it
	@work: http://www.mercuriuspbx.it/
	@home: http://www.badpenguin.org/
	@IRC:  agx on channell #callweaver, #callweaver-dev, #asterisk-dev, #openser, #aastra
	@jabber: agx at jabber.linux.it
	@MSN:	antoniogallo73 at hotmail dot com
	@Skype: antoniogallo73, just open a chat window


Archie Cobbs			- patches for CMakeList.txt, app_rxfax.c


app_confcall.c			- Anthony Minessale II, patched and ported by Kirk Wolff
					NOTE: its experimental its not compiling against asterisk 1.4.17
app_devstate.c			- Druid Software
app_nv_backgrounddetect.c	- Newman Telecom
app_nv_faxdetect.c		- Newman Telecom
app_pickup2.c			- Florian Overkamp
app_txfax.c			- Steve Underwood, patched by me
app_rxfax.c			- Steve Underwood, patched by me
app_valetparking.c		- Anthony Minessale II
func_devstate.c			- http://svncommunity.digium.com/svn/russell/asterisk-1.4/func_devstate-1.4/func_devstate.c

Source: README, updated 2011-07-07