Home / Ver0.84
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
sample_20120711.zip 2012-10-25 56.9 kB
readme.txt 2012-10-25 2.7 kB
adp_src_084.zip 2012-10-25 7.8 MB
adp_src_084.tgz 2012-10-25 7.7 MB
adp_bin_windows_x86.zip 2012-10-25 400.9 kB
adp_bin_windows_x64.zip 2012-10-25 467.7 kB
adp_bin_MACOSXMLION_64.tgz 2012-10-25 522.3 kB
adp_bin_centos62_x64.tgz 2012-10-25 379.5 kB
adp_bin_centos62_i386.tgz 2012-10-25 376.4 kB
adp_bin_centos58_x64.tgz 2012-10-25 439.7 kB
adp_bin_centos58_i386.tgz 2012-10-25 434.5 kB
Totals: 11 Items   18.5 MB 0
ADP (Another Data Processor) Ver 0.84
 Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Katsuhisa Ohfuji 
This progman is distributed under GPL.


This is the release of the development version. It is a sauce release. 
The Windows(x86,x64) version, CentOS5.8 (x86, x64), CentOS6.2 (x86, x64) and
 MacOSX 10.8 (x64) version can download an executable file 
from a download page. 

=== Download file list ===
adp_bin_centos58_i386.tgz  ・・・・・ Binary of CentOS5.8(32bit)
adp_bin_centos58_x64.tgz   ・・・・・ Binary of CentOS5.8(64bit)
adp_bin_centos62_i386.tgz  ・・・・・ Binary of CentOS6.2(32bit)
adp_bin_centos62_x64.tgz   ・・・・・ Binary of CentOS6.2(64bit)
adp_bin_MACOSXMLION_64.tgz ・・・・・ Binary of MAC OS X 10.8(Mountain LION)
adp_bin_windows_x86.zip    ・・・・・ Binary of Windows(x86)
adp_bin_windows_x64.zip    ・・・・・ Binary of Windows(x64)
adp_src_083.zip            ・・・・・ Source file (zip compression) 
adp_src_083.tgz            ・・・・・ Source file (gzip,tar compression) 
sample_20120711.zip        ・・・・・ Sample file (zip compression) 

=== Requirements for Linux ===
The following develop packages need to be installed. 

=== Requirements for Mac OS X ===
The following develop packages need to be installed. 

=== Quick start for Linux and MAC OS X ===
$ sh configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

=== Quick start for Windows ===
Please copy the downloaded adp.exe file to the directory indicated 
by the environment variable PATH.

=== Compile for Windows ===
There is the solution file of Visual Stduio 2008. 
It compiles using it. 
The 32-bit version and the 64-bit version can be created. 

Boost compiled by "_SECURE_SCL=0" "_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0" needs 
to be installed beforehand. 

rem compile instruction for Boost(boost-1_45)
rem 32bit
bjam -a toolset=msvc-9.0 threading=multi link=static runtime-link=static define=_SECURE_SCL=0 define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0
rem 64bit
bjam -a toolset=msvc-9.0 threading=multi link=static runtime-link=static define=_SECURE_SCL=0 define=_HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING=0 address-model=64

Please copy the compiled adp.exe file to the directory indicated 
by the environment variable PATH.

===Support etc. ===
Manual: http://www.adp.la/

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-10-25