Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
v0.7 2012-11-04
v0.6 2012-08-22
v0.5 2012-08-20
DOCS 2012-08-20
v0.4X 2012-08-13
README.txt 2012-11-04 6.5 kB
Totals: 6 Items   6.5 kB 0

#    A      CCC  PPP   U  U      V     V  22222  #
#   A A    C     P  P  U  U       V   V      22  #
#  AAAAA   C     PPP   U  U        V V     22    #
# A     A   CCC  P     UUUU         V      2222  #

(bad @ ascii art)


# * = CHANGED #
# + = ADDED   #
# - = REMOVED #
* complete rewrite of base systems
- bussystem not yet implemented
* following classes not rewritten: register, bitregister, emulatorbase (fetchOpCode,etc.)
+ Better startup screen
+ changed opcode length from 7 to 8 bytes. the 8th byte is not interpreted
and can be used as variable

+ added TEST (testing required)
+ added byte2BitConverter
* bugfixes

* moved commandlines to config.xml
  including: memorysize, memoryfile, memoryprealloc, memorycachetotalsize
* this marks now beginning of milestone 0.6

* updated README.txt

* fixed codefetcher (was mostly assembly bug)
+ added config.xml
- forgott to update readme.txt in the original v0.5.3 package (this is v0.5.3.1(?))

* bugfixes in bussystem
+ hdd1 (closed)
+ now working :D

+ added base for bussystem and busdevices
+ added IN and OUT
* small codechanges

+ added new commandlines
+ added load, store, push, pop, all jmps, cmp, rcmp, ccmp
+ added base for INT
+ changed key. Now using a threads that is buffering the key data
* changed memory now accepting sizevalues below 16kb
Commandlines command list: (not casesensitive)
-debug - Stops and debugs after every step
-lazymem - Memory is not overwritten on start
-memsize={x}k - Sets memory size to {x} KB
-memsize={x}m - Sets memory size to {x} MB
-memfile={y} - Sets memoryfilename to {y}
-cachetsize={x}k - Sets total cachesize to {x} KB
-cachetsize={x}m - Sets total cachesize to {m} MB
-prealloc={x} - Sets preallocated/cached memory to {x} byte
-prealloc={x}k - Sets preallocated/cached memory to {x} byte
-nodump - Doesnt dump the memory on error
-quietreg - Does not show the name of every register
-debugfile={y} - Outputs DebugMessages (not errors) to file {y}

+ now packed with a biosRom.bin for beginners (in v0.5 only a sample program)
* improved POST
* major changes in code that can't all be listed
!!! WARNING !!! The v0.1-Compiler is bugger and should not be used

* small bugfixes working on the major bug of the code fetcher doing sh*t

+ added info to changelog
+ added POST-Test (now only testing a fixed value (FXDVAL-Test) and a random value (RNDVAL-Test) with mem and regs)
+ improved memory now using a standart stream to memory file/never closed
* shrunk some function down/improved speed around 30%
* increased memory to 8 KB
* still have BIGNUM-execution bug
- removed bug where memory stream collapses
- removed bug where a number gets screwed up by converted
- removed bug where the emulator throws a random exception from a test function (removed function)
- removed major bug when loading biosRom.bin

+ added new opcode and fixed compiler
* now working compiler with a few commands
* Using now uint, UInt16, UInt32 instead of int, Int16, Int32
  So now without sign maybe never so OPSYS need emulation on its own
* improved opcode parsing about 10%
- removed many bugs

+ added opcode Functions
+ added mov, add, sub, and
* designed opcode
* VisualACPU designed and first functions
* now trying to complete parsing and compilation of opcode/assembler code

+ Basic Emulator function inc. memory, stack, regset
+ Improved Register Handling (now an array instead of a fixed set of vars)
* 32bit
* binary execution
* fpu & gpu
* direct execution of program files in format BPF
* memory up to 4GB (through caching the last blocks and storing the memory only on file)
* real bios
* 1 rom with 1Megabyte
* 2 hdd, 1 binary and 1 emulated through binary file, allows writing of bootloaders without drivers

#Newest Opcode #

* = implemented
? = base implemented but not working
W = wip
D = almost done

/* INT16    - INT16     - INT32  - INT32  - INT32  - INT32  - INT32  - INT32  - INT32
 * mov  | dest,     src,    mode    | 0x0000 *
 *      -                           -
 * add  | add1,     add2,   dest    | 0x0100 *
 * sub  | sub1,     sub2,   dest    | 0x0101 *
 * and  | and1,     and2,   dest    | 0x0102 *
 * or   | or1,      or2,    dest    | 0x0103 *
 * not  | not1,     not2,   dest    | 0x0104 *
 * xor  | xor1,     xor2,   dest    | 0x0105 *
 *      -                           -
 * jt   | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0200
 * jf   | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0201
 * jmp  | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0202 *
 * jne  | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0203 *
 * je   | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0204 *
 * jb   | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0205 *
 * js   | dest,     seg,    mode    | 0x0206 *
 *      -                           -
 * cmp  | reg1,     reg2,   0       | 0x0300 *
 * test | reg,      data,   mode    | 0x0301
 *      -                           -
 * hlt  | mode,     0,      0       | 0x0400 *
 *      -                           -
 * rtest| 0,        0,      0       | 0x0500
 * rcmp | 0,        0,      0       | 0x0501 *
 * ccmp | 0,        0,      0       | 0x0502 *
 * ctest| 0,        0,      0       | 0x0503
 *      -                           -
 * load | reg,      adr,    mode    | 0x0600 *
 * store| reg,      adr,    mode    | 0x0601 *
 *      -                           -
 * push | reg,      mode,   0       | 0x0700 *
 * pop  | reg,      0,      0       | 0x0701 *
 * inc  | reg,      0,      0       | 0x0702
 * dec  | reg,      0,      0       | 0x0703
 * beep | frq,      dur,    0       | 0x0704
 *      -                           -
 * prnt | reg,      col,    mode    | 0x0800 *
 * gpu  | col,      pos1,   pos2    | 0x0801
 * gpu  | ptr,      len,    ptr     | 0x0802
 * key  | reg,      mode,   0       | 0x0803 *
 *      -                           -
 * in   | reg,      ioadr,  0       | 0x0900
 * out  | reg,      ioadr,  0       | 0x0901
 * int  | id,       mode,   0       | 0x0902
Source: README.txt, updated 2012-11-04