Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
AccessToSiard-2.02.zip 2012-03-01 276.0 kB
readme.txt 2012-02-29 1.1 kB
Totals: 2 Items   277.1 kB 0
AccessToSiard - Readme

This package includes a command-line tool for converting
MS Access files (.mdb or .accdb) to SIARD format.

It makes the MSys-Objects visible, grants SELECT rights
to user Admin, creates an ODBC connection (usually "$SIARD$"),
runs siardfromdb.cmd and removes the ODBC connection.
See doc/Documentation.pdf for usage details.

The code for AccessToSiard was created 2011 by Enter AG, Zurich,
and was placed in the public domain under the
GPL General Public License v2 or later. A copy of the license
is part of the distribution in the file gpl-2.0.txt. 

Just unpack the distribution file to any directory to which the 
users of these programs have read and write access.

Release History
2.02  Added a few quotes in the batch file.
2.01  Changed call of siardfrombd.cmd to cmd /C siardfromdb.cmd
2.00  Complete rewrite for
      - Compatibility with new MS Access format .accdb
      - Compatibilty with 64-bit ODBC
1.00  Created as ConvMdb as an accessory to SIARD Suite.

29.02.2012 Hartwig Thomas, Enter AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-02-29