
#207 Microtonal shift is perplexing and incompletely editable


The "shift" parameter for microtonal scales is incomplete and inadequately explained in the old user interface. It looks like the intent is for it to run from -64 to +63 with 0 for no shift but it really runs from 0 to 63 with 64 as no shift — which means you can't set no shift unless the scale has fewer than 64 notes and you work out an equivalent value

I've got a patch to make the shift editable for its full range. I also made some patches for documenting the parameter and fixing some typos and I'm not sure I can attach all of them, so I'll copy my descriptions of the "shift" here:

Shift the tuning down this number of steps (64 to start on 'A')

Number of steps to shift the scale down by. 64 for no shift.

1 Attachments


  • Graham Breed

    Graham Breed - 2021-02-14

    Here's a patch for some random typos

  • Graham Breed

    Graham Breed - 2021-02-14

    Patch to add a tooltip

  • Graham Breed

    Graham Breed - 2021-02-14

    Another documentation patch (I think this is for the file format)

  • Graham Breed

    Graham Breed - 2021-02-14

    I had another look and got a patch to make it work properly, with zero as zero

  • Mark McCurry

    Mark McCurry - 2021-06-20
    • labels: --> migration-candidiate

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