
New features to be released soon

The following features will be made available through this site soon. If you cant wait: simply send mail to owner.

<li><i>Dynamic attribute values</i>. This allows you to define an expression in the entity definition for an attribute that is evaluated at run-time to yield a value (instead of retrieving it from a data source). Effectively this is another reason removed to have to refer to special implementation classes

<li><i>Auditing and concurrency control</i>. The auditable flag is now replaced with an audit value: <i>none</i>, <i>auditing</i> or <i>concurrency control</i>. The use of 'None' is obvious, 'auditing' means maintain the updated by / when / created by / when field and 'concurrency control' means both auditing and ensure a row is not updated by <i>another</i> process since last retrieved

<li><i>New behaviour for zXUpdtdId</i>. First we have added a dynamic group: ~ that denotes the zXUpdtdId field. So use edit,!,-~ so show the attributes in group edit and the meaningful audit attributes (ie all but zXUpdtdId). Also, on update / create we set it to either the sub-session-id (if available) or the session-id so you don't have to worry anymore whether the row was updated by yourself (eg in another frame)

<li><i>Bug fixes</i>. Some of the bug fixes:


<li><i>Could not use dblValue of automatic property</i>. Automatics are now treated as longs wherever applicable

<li><i>Function list in expression editor window (web)</i>. A bug fixed that caused only half of the available functions to be showed

<li><i>Run-away expression parsing</i>. Some validation has been added to expression parser as some syntax errors could cause the parser to 'run-away'



Posted by Michael 2004-06-17

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