
zD-X Framework / News: Recent posts

zXDemo now available.

We are now working towards making zX fully open source. For now we are posting snapshot releases of demos using the framework.

Posted by Michael 2005-09-13

New flash demos available

Dear all,

Thanks for the interest that you have shown so far in our zX framework. Sorry for the delay we are currently working on our cummunity site and hope to launch shortly (watch From here you will be have access to sources, documentation, examples, patterns and much more.

Meanwhile visit and have a look at the flash demos. We are always open for questions and feedback at info at read more

Posted by Michael 2005-02-01

We are working on a community site for the framework. And has also setup a site for commercial support at

Posted by Michael 2004-11-26

New document uploaded (How to zX)

A new document How to zX ( has been uploaded. This is as up2date as I can get it. Will upload the latest release soon as well.

See document/archive



Posted by Michael 2004-06-17

A sneek-peek into the zX kitchen

What to expect from us over the coming months:


<li><i>Persistance channels</i>. Now a BO is either not persisted (or you have to write your own) or persisted using the database. We are planning to add persistence channels: by default you get the database channel but you can associate a BO with any channel and you can add you own channel. For example: MQ series, SOAP, flat file, SWIFT gateway (Merva or so), legacy system interfaces, etc.
This means a pageflow can be build that (transparent to user and developer) gets most of its data from the database and some from more bespoke sources... read more

Posted by Michael 2004-06-17

New features to be released soon

The following features will be made available through this site soon. If you cant wait: simply send mail to owner.

<li><i>Dynamic attribute values</i>. This allows you to define an expression in the entity definition for an attribute that is evaluated at run-time to yield a value (instead of retrieving it from a data source). Effectively this is another reason removed to have to refer to special implementation classes... read more

Posted by Michael 2004-06-17

Snapshoot Release :

At the moment i am doing snapshot every week until there is a stable enable release for usage. And then i will be puttting together a release with installation documentation and a demo.

Posted by Michael 2004-05-20

Project has started :

The framework project has begun, but it will be about 2 months or more before i can do a release as i am still setting up stuff and finallising things

Posted by Michael 2004-02-27