
Zurmo 3.0 Release

Some of you who follow Zurmo closely will have seen that the Zurmo 3.0 code has been available to download for some time already.  This week we are officially announcing that release here on

The 3.0 release offers a ton of bug fixes across all areas of the Zurmo platform but if you are hungry for new features as well then we also have some improvements to water your mouth.

  • New Pause/Unpause campaign feature
  • Send test emails from an Email Template or Campaign screens
  • Integration with SendGrid's Email Delivery service
  • More granular user notification management
  • Option to Send Campaigns using user defined SMTP details
  • Inactivity warning for the user interface

We will be adding more information about some of the features listed above here on soon.  But if you cannot wait for that then why not upgrade to 3.0 today and check out some of the new features for yourselves!

The post Zurmo 3.0 Release appeared first on Zurmo.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-05-05

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