
New Image Element and Gallery Enhancements

Zurmo 2.8 will include a number of enhancements. Special attention has been given to how image elements are uploaded and how they are viewed via an image gallery. These improvements will increase the ease of inserting images when building a template. There are two ways of uploading files to Zurmo.

1. Upload from your computer

When importing from your computer, you can upload multiple files, making it easier to upload a number of images at once. They become instantly available for use in the template. Just click on the "insert image" and you are done.
Upload Image

2. Import from URL

Uploading from a URL is a great feature if you want to use a file available on the web and you do not have the need to store it on your computer.
Import From URL

Once the image is uploaded, you can preview how it looks:
Image Preview

If it needs some adjusting, you can always edit the image (crop and/or resize) and save it as a new image. Both images will stay stored in Zurmo (the original and the edited version).
Edit Image

A gallery of all the stored images is ready and can be used for such things as composing an email, editing email signature, and much more.
Image Gallery

The gallery allows you to search the image by name and also has filters to show all images, images you created, and images shared with you. The creator of the image is also able to delete an image if it is not needed anymore and can even share it with all the other users of the app.
Shared Images

The gallery shows a thumbnail of the image. If the user wants a larger view, just hover over it and a bigger version will appear.
Stored Images

The post New Image Element and Gallery Enhancements appeared first on Zurmo.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2014-07-17

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