


This project is made up by one frame only. The frame shows the user the program name, the program current version and the latest version release notes. It checks for new version availability. If any is available the user can:

  • Ignore the update and just close this frame;
  • Manually update the program, this frame gets closed and a browser window is opened at the download url.
  • Automatically update the program, the new version is downloaded and unzipped into the program installation folder

This project makes use of two auxilary files:

  • The file where the latest program version name and download url are stored;
  • The file where the latest version release notes are stored.

The first file must contain at least two rows. The first one must be the latest program version name, the second one must be the latest version download url.
The second file is not necessary but it is useful for the user. It should contain the latest version release notes.

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