
zt2 requested information

Hey guys.. im on vacation in scottland right now, having breakfast at a cafe while my good friend is at class at st. andrews. Glad to see the interest, ive even been designing some zt2 stuff during my offtime here.. ill post some screens when i get back (and a beta as soon as you can make music with it) but here's the intended result, current state, and tenative roadmap for zt2

-- zt2 raison d'etre

* Same idea as zt, but _STABLE_, faster, cleaner, and much more user-friendly and accessable

* Better infrastructure to allow more features, more complicated things that the zt UI system didnt allow, and future addition (audio, vsti, etc)

* Get all those things that really need to be in zt into zt2, ie, sysex macros, all the key commands that have been requested, perfect MID export (and import!,) built-in nibbles, etc

* Cross-platform support (OSX anyone?)

* Make load of money by costing 500US for registered version that can use more thatn 1 channel per device at a time.. no just kidding :) zt2 will be like zt1, 100% free and open source

-- Current status

* ZUI system 90% complete.. its working and fast, and looks very nice. Button, value slider, listboxe, scrollbar, frame, tab-control, text label, checkbox, and radio button are complete. zt2 uses anti-aliased (ie smoothed) windows-format TTF truetype fonts for all text and IT fixed width fonts for the pattern editor. TODO: apply speedup to tabcontrol, round out listbox, add text input field, add IT font text area and possibly rich text display field (for help system)

* Main screen is setup, XML skin and config systems in place, MIDI-Out device config is in place and working, pattern editor can display patterns and switch views (views are custom-built in the zt2 XML config file.)

-- Roadmap

* Next week: pattern editor input setup, nic (zonaj) to begin work on filling it out (key-commands, block editing, etc)

* Within 3 weeks: instrumet screen midi-out connected with pattern and instrument editors (when this is done a public alpha will be released)

* Within 2 months: Basic order editor, song playback, possible song load/save (public beta release)

im gonna try my hardest to hit these... i really want to get this rolling, and ive got alot of motivation for coding now. its great to see suport in the forums for the zt project, and i really think you guys are going to be impressed with zt2 and i think it is going to solve alot of problems that people have been having. i could possible dish out some binaries if you guys want if you hit me up on aim (cmicali2) or icq (444904)
thanks for the support


PS: We've almost hit 40,000 d/ls just from sourceforge, and 0.96 made almost 700 downloads/day!! Im excited :)

Posted by Chris Micali 2002-03-20

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