
#150 Zsnes 1.51 compile error

Other (21)

While trying to build Zsnes-1.51, i get the following error. Heres the build log.

ZSNES v1.51

SDL support Version 1.2.11
NASM support NASM version 0.98.39 compiled on Oct 6 2006
zlib support Version 1.2.3
PNG support Yes, version 1.2.15
OpenGL support Yes
JMA support Yes
ZSNES debugger Enabled

The binary will be installed in /usr/bin

g++ -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -pipe -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -D__UNIXSDL__ -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -D__OPENGL__ -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -fno-rtti -o tools/fileutil.o -c tools/fileutil.cpp
g++ -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -pipe -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -D__UNIXSDL__ -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -D__OPENGL__ -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -fno-rtti -o tools/strutil.o -c tools/strutil.cpp
g++ -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -pipe -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -D__UNIXSDL__ -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -D__OPENGL__ -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -s -fno-rtti -o tools/depbuild tools/depbuild.cpp tools/fileutil.o tools/strutil.o
tools/depbuild gcc "-march=i686 -O2 -pipe -pipe -I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -D__UNIXSDL__ -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -D__OPENGL__ -march=pentium4 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -s" nasm " -w-orphan-labels -D__UNIXSDL__ -f elf -DELF -D__OPENGL__ -O1" cfg.o endmem.o init.o initc.o input.o md.o patch.o ui.o vcache.o version.o zloader.o zmovie.o zpath.o zstate.o ztime.o ztimec.o chips/c4emu.o chips/c4proc.o chips/dsp1emu.o chips/dsp1proc.o chips/dsp2proc.o chips/dsp3emu.o chips/dsp3proc.o chips/dsp4emu.o chips/dsp4proc.o chips/fxemu2.o chips/fxemu2b.o chips/fxemu2c.o chips/fxtable.o chips/obc1emu.o chips/obc1proc.o chips/sa1proc.o chips/sa1regs.o chips/sdd1emu.o chips/seta10.o chips/sfxproc.o chips/st10proc.o chips/7110proc.o chips/seta11.o chips/st11proc.o cpu/dma.o cpu/dsp.o cpu/dspproc.o cpu/execute.o cpu/executec.o cpu/irq.o cpu/memory.o cpu/memtable.o cpu/spc700.o cpu/stable.o cpu/table.o cpu/tablec.o debugasm.o debugger.o gui/gui.o gui/guifuncs.o gui/menu.o effects/burn.o effects/smoke.o effects/water.o jma/7zlzma.o jma/crc32.o jma/iiostrm.o jma/inbyte.o jma/jma.o jma/lzma.o jma/lzmadec.o jma/winout.o jma/zsnesjma.o mmlib/mm.o mmlib/linux.o video/makev16b.o video/makev16t.o video/makevid.o video/mode716.o video/mode716b.o video/mode716d.o video/mode716e.o video/mode716t.o video/mode7.o video/mode7ext.o video/mv16tms.o video/m716text.o video/newg162.o video/newgfx.o video/newgfx16.o video/newgfx2.o video/procvid.o video/procvidc.o video/sw_draw.o video/2xsaiw.o video/hq2x16.o video/hq2x32.o video/hq3x16.o video/hq3x32.o video/hq4x16.o video/hq4x32.o video/ntsc.o video/copyvwin.o linux/audio.o linux/battery.o linux/sdlintrf.o linux/sdllink.o linux/gl_draw.o linux/sw_draw.o linux/safelib.o zip/unzip.o zip/zpng.o > makefile.dep
makefile.dep:85: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.


  • Nach M. S.

    Nach M. S. - 2007-06-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Please provide OS information, as well as which shell you're using.

  • Priyank

    Priyank - 2007-06-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    OS : Frugalware Linux
    Kernel : Linux 2.6.21
    GCC : 4.2.0

  • Priyank

    Priyank - 2007-06-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Forgot to mention the shell,
    its zsh.

  • Nach M. S.

    Nach M. S. - 2007-06-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    From what I can gather, either your shell or libc handles piping incorrectly. Try switching to bash or tcsh temporarily and see if that fixes the problem.

  • Priyank

    Priyank - 2007-06-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Tried switching to tcsh as well as bash, but still the problem persists.

  • Priyank

    Priyank - 2007-06-29


  • Priyank

    Priyank - 2007-06-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Ok, i think i've found a problem with the makefile.dep file. See lines 85 and 115. Some parts of line 85 are on 115 and so on. check the attachment.
    File Added: makefile.dep

  • Nach M. S.

    Nach M. S. - 2007-07-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    No the problem is not with makefile.dep, that's auto generated. The problem is that for some reason, your machine is screwing up piping while it auto generates it. You'll notice that if you ran the command to build makefile.dep without the "> makefile.dep" part at the end, you'd see that the output is okay. I don't know why your system is ruining piping though. Perhaps a faulty implementation of pipe() in your glibc, I really don't know.


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