
ZSNES Documentation / News: Recent posts

Heavy Development

The docs are under heavy development as ZSNES approaches a release. These docs will be better than ever.

Look forward to it!

Posted by Jipcy 2006-11-02

Stalled progress

Not like anyone reads these things, but here goes:

No one, including me, has been working on the docs very much lately. The main reasons for this are 1) we're all busy with real-life stuff, and 2) ZSNES is in heavy development, and it's kind of pointless to try to document something that is in a constant state of change. That said, there are of course parts of ZSNES that are unlikely to change, but could be documented better. However, once we are vaguely close to a feature-complete official release, we will be thoroughly documenting it.... read more

Posted by Jipcy 2006-05-04

Full changelog and new home page

Well, all data from the initial release (v0.150) to v1.42 is now included in the changelog. check it out here:

Also, we've updated the home page. See it at

Finally, the ZSNES Documentation will not be licensed under the FDL, but under the GPL, right along with the ZSNES source proper.

Posted by Jipcy 2006-03-16

File releases and licenses

The ZSNES Documentation Project will probably soon be licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Sorry we didn't include a useable license before. We'll also be re-releasing some documentation packages, although we recommend you use the documentation included with the official ZSNES releases, available here:

Posted by Jipcy 2006-02-09