
#7 Build on Windows 7 HP x64


Some possible 'features' noticed in general use. Started using in 2017, input most of historic data then but have recently completed the job of inputting transactions prior to then which though netting to zero positions may have affected outcome on e.g. #1, 5 below.

  1. My Portfolios - Transactions - right clicking and selecting delete a securities transaction does not delete, whether or not recalculate is then actioned from the right click menu; also the cash entries for the buy/sell transactions concerned are not deleted.

  2. My Portfolios - Transactions - right clicking to recalculate position does not seem to do anything whether or not any transaction has been 'deleted'.

  3. still needs an entry field for accrued interest on eg Treasury stock (debt) bought/sold, can only otherwise be added to tax or commission fields which obfuscates.

  4. Rights issue: i) does not allow insertion of fees e.g. a broker admin fee, please add a field; ii) deleting a rights issue position does not delete the corresponding cash entry but should? (See #1 above).

  5. Transactions tab - on one or two occasions the cgt (UK) pooling did not seem to work properly - even after right-clicking and actioning recalculate - so far as it seems to calculate by dates of data entry rather than by date of transaction, at least where, say, one has a couple of recent trades resulting in a net nil securities position then one adds some historic trades antedating them which also among themselves led to a net nil position. Screen caps can be emailed of a position showing completely different balance / pool numbers for the same data originally input then reinput after the position was examined, deleted and re-entered.

  6. is it possible/intended to change the data in any field by double clicking or pressing F2 and overwriting the number concerned with another one? Trying this in Transactions tab for a particular deal did not seem to change the net amount for the position even after right clicking and pressing update.
    How does one delete background colour of a cell eg Target in My Portfolios view?

  7. securities values continue to fail to update so have abandoned use, the tickers just don't seem to be recognised by either Yahoo or AlphaVantage. Manually adding price details say weekly could be good enough in my case but how is it done since the F2/inserting new number doesn't appear to do anything in Transaction tab (cgt/net position)? Possible to include a separate manual update mechanism for user to key in values for individual securities?

Example of error with AlphaVantage:
11:24:15 3UKL "Error Message": "Invalid API call. Please retry or visit the documentation ( for TIME_SERIES_DAILY."
-presumably this is another of the universe of ETPs/ETFs which AlphaVantage just doesn't know about, but it's also failed to recognise 'BA.' before I closed the program down.
Can AlphaVantage price updating be stopped while in process? The pop-up window text seems to imply it just continues once run.

Trying to fetch a price with Yahoo also fails, it seems to reference only US stocks. Page also includes error banner:
"Some parts of this page is not supported on your current browser version. Please upgrade the browser to the latest." Presumably irrelevant to the substantive task.

In Preferences, Exchanges tab content is set pointing to L / LSE.

  1. My Portfolios - TIDM column on left etc - right hand scroll bar is positioned at bottom and will not allow movement of it by mouse, have to locate cursor in position field (or on scroll bar up / down arrows) and scroll to move around. Same in selection of issuer in e.g. Dividends Paid box in Cash Transactions.

  2. is there a debug mode? Can one be added?

Notwithstanding the price updating problems imo this program is definitely worth maintaining - hoping no 'abandoned' state is applied again however briefly :) Thanks for your work again.


  • Leslie Kaye

    Leslie Kaye - 2019-08-14

    Thanks for this. It is very useful feedback.
    No this software is not "abandoned" nor likely to be for the forseeable future as I use it for my own investments.
    My immediate problem is the way Yahoo eats memory in the web browser causing the software to crash with bigger portfolio price updates. My solution is to release a 64 bit version which removes the memory limitation. This is currently running on my computer and is a whole lot more stable. Unfortunately the current database file needs to be upgraded and I see no way around exporting the data in 32 bit and importing it into 64 bit.
    I am adding export to the next 32 bit release and I will attend to the issues that you have raised. The following release will be in both 32 and 64 bit. That will be the final 32 bit release which will not be maintained going forward as I expect that few people have 32 bit machines these days.

  • Leslie Kaye

    Leslie Kaye - 2019-08-21

    I have now released version 2.4.3 which adresses some of these points

    My Portfolios - Transactions - right clicking and selecting delete a securities transaction does not delete, whether or not recalculate is then actioned from the right click menu; also the cash entries for the buy/sell transactions concerned are not deleted.

    I fixrd this bug. The transaction will now delete. I added a popup menu on the cash so that you can delete the corresponding cash transaction. Please note that this function is delete only, not undo. Undo is not implemented in this software.

    My Portfolios - Transactions - right clicking to recalculate position does not seem to do anything whether or not any transaction has been 'deleted'.

    The Recalculate function simply adjusts the totals of the stock position according to the numbers on the detailed transactions. If you have erroniously entered a transaction and then deleted it, you may need to manually edit the current holding and current cost values shown on the other transactions. These values are in the two right-hand columns of transactions. You may need to slide the scroll bar to the right in order to see them.

    still needs an entry field for accrued interest on eg Treasury stock (debt) bought/sold, can only otherwise be added to tax or commission fields which obfuscates.

    Accrued interest on purchase or sale of Treasury stocks should be entered as a dividend/interest and the cost or sales proceeds adjusted to be net of the dividend/interest entered.

    Rights issue: i) does not allow insertion of fees e.g. a broker admin fee, please add a field; ii) deleting a rights issue position does not delete the corresponding cash entry but should? (See #1 above).

    I have fixed this in the new release so that the fee field is shown for all types of transaction.

    Transactions tab - on one or two occasions the cgt (UK) pooling did not seem to work properly - even after right-clicking and actioning recalculate - so far as it seems to calculate by dates of data entry rather than by date of transaction, at least where, say, one has a couple of recent trades resulting in a net nil securities position then one adds some historic trades antedating them which also among themselves led to a net nil position. Screen caps can be emailed of a position showing completely different balance / pool numbers for the same data originally input then reinput after the position was examined, deleted and re-entered.

    I am not sure that I understand this problem. Transactions should always be entered with the date of the transaction, not the date when you happen to enter them. If the problem persists please respond to this ticket with some screen-shots of the transaction data to include the current holding and current cost columns.

    is it possible/intended to change the data in any field by double clicking or pressing F2 and overwriting the number concerned with another one? Trying this in Transactions tab for a particular deal did not seem to change the net amount for the position even after right clicking and pressing update.
    How does one delete background colour of a cell eg Target in My Portfolios view?

    Most of the data can be edited manually. This will not force a recalculate in all instances and you may have to edit the other values as well including corresponding cash transactions.

    securities values continue to fail to update so have abandoned use, the tickers just don't seem to be recognised by either Yahoo or AlphaVantage. Manually adding price details say weekly could be good enough in my case but how is it done since the F2/inserting new number doesn't appear to do anything in Transaction tab (cgt/net position)? Possible to include a separate manual update mechanism for user to key in values for individual securities?

    Except for the main US exchanges, Ticker TIDM codes must be suffixed with a dot and the exchange code for pricing updates to work. For example BAE Systems quoted on the London Stock Exchange has a Ticker of "BA.L" , Alliance Pharma plc quoted on the London Stock Exchange has a Ticker of "APH.L" . When entering a transaction use the [Search] button to ensure that Yahoo can find it.
    In order to correct incorecty entered Tickers you should right-click and select "Change position Name and Symbol" from the menu. If you simply change the Ticker manually it will probably disconnect the position from its transactions and dividend records.

    Example of error with AlphaVantage:
    11:24:15 3UKL "Error Message": "Invalid API call. Please retry or visit the documentation ( for TIME_SERIES_DAILY."

    I have added a [Stop] button to the price updating. The AlphaVantage free service permits a maximum of three price updates in any one minute. The "Invalid API Call" error is most commonly thown when there is disagreement between my software and their server as to when the minute is up. I think that you get the same error if you have not got the correct Yahoo Ticker with exchange code suffix.

    Trying to fetch a price with Yahoo also fails, it seems to reference only US stocks. Page also includes error banner:
    "Some parts of this page is not supported on your current browser version. Please upgrade the browser to the latest." Presumably irrelevant to the substantive task.

    You appear to be using Windows 7 which is unsupported by Microsoft and for that reason it is not supported by me. To get rid of this error (which may also crash my software with an out of memory error) you need to have Internet Explorer version 11.5 or higher. I recommend that you upgrade to Windows 10 unless you have a strong reason for not doing so. Instructions for upgrading from version 7 to 10 are on Microsoft Support pages.

    My Portfolios - TIDM column on left etc - right hand scroll bar is positioned at bottom and will not allow movement of it by mouse, have to locate cursor in position field (or on scroll bar up / down arrows) and scroll to move around. Same in selection of issuer in e.g. Dividends Paid box in Cash Transactions.

    Adjusting options on the TradingView charts may freeze the scroll bars and data grids. I do not know the cause of this problem however clicking elsewhere around the window may unfreeze it.

    is there a debug mode? Can one be added?

    No. Please report any bugs on these Tickets.

    Notwithstanding the price updating problems imo this program is definitely worth maintaining - hoping no 'abandoned' state is applied again however briefly :) Thanks for your work again.

    This software will be maintained for the forseeable future. Please will users consider "donating" in order to maintain my enthusiasm for the software and adding features!

  • b0bcat

    b0bcat - 2019-08-28

    Thanks so much.

    Windows 7 remains supported by MS (allegedly) till early next year and I see mine has IE 11, not that I ever use it. Regardless, with a modest portfolio database size of about 1.5MB I've never had the program crash, the nearest was the self-resolving temporary freeze on Build around April 2018. I'd personally be happier without the News tab especially if it potentially may affect stability of the database functions and/or add to resources overhead.

    The only comment further that occurs is that I obviously have misunderstood the ticker format for the price update mechanism. Rather than changing each individual ticker to match the desired Exchange format, is it relatively easy to include a filter so that the relevant suffix (selected manually by user) is deemed added, whether for all or even with exceptions?

  • Leslie Kaye

    Leslie Kaye - 2019-08-28

    It is not my software or the database which is causing the crash otherwise I could do something about it.
    My software embeds Internet Explorer to display the Yahoo web pages. It needs IE 11.5 or higher else the Yahoo pages show an error message (which is not I think, fatal to the program). The web pages are massive and are running all sorts of javascripts to display the active charts and advertising content. There is nothing that I can do to control IE from caching of this junk in memory but if you run Task Manager while my software is loading data from Yahoo you see the process size just grow and grow.
    Anyhow my 64bit software version is ready for release which will stop it crashing as the process hits the 1,204MB 32 bit limit. I am just waiting for more users to update to the current version so that the database upgrade to 64bit will be seemless.
    I could add a default suffx to portfolio settings. If you would like me to add this feature I estimate 2 hours work to implement and test. £50 cost to you?


    Last edit: Leslie Kaye 2019-08-28

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