
zoolib / News: Recent posts

First Draft of ZooLib Cookbook Posted

ZooLib is a lightweight multithreaded C++ cross-platform application framework. The ZooLib Cookbook is a tutorial that will illustrate the source code of several sample applications in detail. The rough draft of the Cookbook may be found at

This is an important step for ZooLib because there has been no documentation available before this. While one can read the source and demo code, beginners have found ZooLib difficult to get started with.

Posted by Michael David Crawford 2002-01-28

ZooLib Cross-Platform Framework Released Under MIT License

The ZooLib cross-platform application framework (version 0.8) was released tonight under the MIT license. It allows one to write a single set of C++ sources and build native executables for Mac OS, Windows, BeOS, and POSIX flavors with XWindows (such as Linux).

ZooLib's project page is and its web page is

One developer's opinion of why ZooLib is good for the community at large is found at - including relevant quotes from Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson of the Microsoft Antitrust Cast on why Microsoft felt it was so important to
put a stop to the widespread use of cross-platform API's.... read more

Posted by Michael David Crawford 2000-11-08