
Project Opening

Well, this Tuesday coming up i'm turning in this bet office as project in my university. But it still far not completed. There's a lot more i wish to add. So opened an account here at sourceforge with the purpose to find erconomic testers and idea givers as well as enthusiastic coders :D.
As soon i find the time (besides the upcoming exams) and i think the bet office has enough functionalities to go public, i will make it disposable here, and then cry out lout under "help needed" for there's actually somebody going to read this what i write here :)

Long story short - my plans:

- let test & criticize
- implement insights of tests
- find people for:
french & english corrections (it is trilingual, german in addition)
coding (implementation of new/more ideas)
testers, always.

oh yeah, maybe someone would be interested in my motivation:
why did i make a bet office? well, certainly not to win money (except the case i gamble myself with some friends). And there's the reason already! My friends and me always gambled on the big soccer championships (world & european ch.). Year after year, the "infrastructure" got better until i made a php/mysql based bet office for last summer. And as i was proposed to make a CMS at the university, it was pretty clear for me that i would make a bettter one.
as i developed this project i told myself that this could go further & maybe even some other people could be interested in such a tool. so the idea is to extend the project version, which is still quite limited in it's functions..

well, that's it, enough blabbered
greets from somewhere where a lake is

Posted by donmiguel_unico 2007-02-04

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