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I noticed that there is no problem if we use labels (instead of tree) to select the items. Not sure why there's a problem when tree is used (I need to use trees so using labels is not going to help me but might help in fixing the bug)

item = null;
Pick item to edit:
<label onClick="selectItem(self)" id="tree1" value="item1" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;"/>
<label onClick="selectItem(self)" id="tree2" value="item2" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;"/>
<fckeditor id="ed" onChange="updateItemValue(self.value)"/>

<hbox><label value="Item1 value: "/><label id="item1" value="item1 initial
<hbox><label value="Item2 value: "/><label id="item2" value="item2 initial
item = item1;

updateItemValue(String newValue)
item.value = newValue;

selectItem(Component treeitem)
//select item to edit
if (treeitem.id.equals("tree1"))
//alert("chose item1: " + item1.value);
item = item1;
//alert("chose item2: " + item2.value);
item = item2;
//associate the item to the correct editor
//alert("item: " + item.value);
