
Dinamo / News: Recent posts

Zhockon 0.2.3 is released

The latest iteration of 0.2.x is released. A refresh on all platform code were made, as well a modularization in all classes, methods and functions, preparing for the next series, 0.3.x. SDL was introducted with a simple keyboard input function in Zhockon C API. An execution queue and a layer stack of modules were added to the core of platform.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-12-21

Zhockon 0.2.2 is released

The third version of 0.2.x series is released. Great improvements in graphics module for Naanphea Core were made for more customization in 3D animations. Zhockon Python API was updated with a brand new builder, also known as Bakebur, to set all the development environment on the platform when using Source version. OpenAL was introducted in C API, with a basic player function.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-12-21

Zhockon 0.2.1 is released

The second iteration of 0.2.x is released. Massive improvements were made in Zhockon C API in Python bindings and game creation structures, as well in Naanphea Core with a brand new sprites management micro-module and a small update in scene creation. Also, the C++ bindings structure in Euphoria was created. Finally, the documentation gained a brief explanation about the platform architecture.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-11-01

Zhockon 0.2.0 is released

It is with great happiness to announce here the first version in 0.2.x series of the project. The Zhockon C API was created, as well as the first code lines of Naanphea engine. A major update on the brand and improvements in the platform structure were made.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-09-13

Zhockon 0.1.5 is released

The last version for 0.1.x series was released. Many improvements were made in the platform, including a new library builder for python wrappers, a cleaned code and stabilization of many functions for Euphoria. This is the first version without Entropia, responsible for reducing the size. The latest changes in roadmap are also included in Zhockon.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-08-06

Zhockon 0.1.5 Preview 2 Released

The last preview for Zhockon 0.1.5 was released. Another stability issues were resolved, and a new builder were developed. Some OpenGL and OpenAL integration were made on Euphoria Core and the code from modules were deeply cleaned.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-07-19

Zhockon 0.1.5 Preview 1 Released

A preview to the last version for 0.1.x series was released. Some stability issues were resolved, as well many documentation - pydocs - to Euphoria were added. The next preview will have some Euphoria Core improvements, a better example ( for use and much more.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-06-16

Zhockon 0.1.4 is released

We are happy to announce the new version of the game development platform, that follows the 0.1.x series. This is the last version with Entropia Engine. Naanphea Engine will replace this one in 0.2.x series. Stability issues were resolved and some improvements on animation were added to Euphoria Engine.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-06-10

Zhockon 0.1.3 is released

A new version for Zhockon was released for the 0.1.x series. The Zhockon now has the Euphoria Engine in functional status. The core was heavily updated and stabilized. The platform is usable for developers for the first time, but still remains in alpha stage of development.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-06-10

Zhockon 0.1.2 is released

The latest version was released, following the 0.1.x series. Many improvements were made in Euphoria Engine, and so in Zhockon Core. Entropia Engine had few significant changes. The portability in Python Libraries has also improved with this new version.

Posted by William Lagos 2010-06-10

Zhockon 0.1.1 is released

It is with great pleasure to announce here the conclusion of Zhockon 0.1.1. This is an issue that follows the 0.1.x series, valid until April 2010. This new version of the platform has a number of updates that have come to make life easier for the user and tester. There were no changes in the Euphoria engine, much less the entropy.

Posted by William Lagos 2009-11-28

Zhockon 0.1.0 is released

The first version of the Zhockon Platform game development was freed for download. This means the opening of the development on all the engines, Euphoria and Entropia for now, Plenora, Corona and Aurora for the next series of releases (0.2.x and 0.3.x). Entropia, an external project, is ready to works, but without a good integration to the platform. Euphoria is being developed intensively, but for now it has just a few tests.

Posted by William Lagos 2009-10-16