
ZFXCEngine / News: Recent posts

New Weblog about the ZFXCE development

If you are interested into our new developments take a look into our development-weblog:

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-11-11

Redesign of rendering in progress

Currently I am working on a complete redesign of the rendering process which is implemented in the ZFXCE. This will also include shader support. To provide more model formats the ZFXCE will use the Asset-Importer-Library to import any imports.


Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-11-07

ZFX-Community-Engine 0.3.0 released

The ZFX-Community-Team has released version 0.3.0. You can download it from the sourceforge-site.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2007-12-30

Branch for release 0.3.0 created

After a long developing time the zfxce team has decided to release a new version. On december the 26. we will release the ZFX-Community-Engine 0.3.0. New features will be:
- Complete scons build support
- VC 8.0 support
- Lightnode
- Obj-fileloader
- Experimental fileloader
- Lua configuration
- A lot of bugfixes

Read more in the release notes.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2007-12-23

New Scenenode: LightScenenode

The ZFXCE has a new scenenode to reprasent lights. At this moment only pointlights will be supported and only the OpenGL renderer implements dynamic lightning. So you can use pointlights and lightmaps.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2007-02-22

Serialize module add

The ZFXCE has a new module named Serialize. It supports import of different formats for images, levels, models etc. . PLanned are features for a full serialize implementation.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-12-12

Scons buildscript add

The ZFX-Community-Engine supports a scons build. More about it take a look into our forum /website.

Best regards

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-11-30

Texture bug fixed

Enrico has fixed the texture bug. All textures will be visualized as is should be.

Best regards Kimmi

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-11-30

ZFXCE use subversion

The ZFXCE source use the sourceforge subversion server to manage the source code. For more details use the sourceforge subversion doc. The commit mailing list should log all svn activities, too.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-07-27

OBJ model format supported

The ZFXCE supports the OBJ model format. To import a obj model use the resourcemanager with the file extention obj.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-07-27

Logging tutorial online

A new tutorial was released. It descripes the logging subsystem and the way to add own logging streams.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-07-27

Render2Texture Demo released

UNter ZFXC-Engine the ZFXCE team have released the first render2texture demo. You can find it in the current cvs version.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-03-31

Physics demo using Newton

UNder ZFXC-Engine/demos/NewtonDemo we have released our first pyhsicdemo using Newton.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-03-31

Q3Demo use ZFXCE

The Q3Demo use now only the ZFXCE code. So the time of prototypes and dirty hacks is over :-).

Best regards

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-02-09

Rotation animators in curent cvs snapshot

The ZFXCE supports animators to animate scenenodes by a DOF node. Take a look at demos/apptest to see the framework work.

Best regards Kimmmi

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-02-09

0.1.0-Setup.exe for windows released

The ZFXCE has released a Setup.exe to install the actual 0.1.0 release under Windows.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2006-02-04

ZFXCE 0.1.0!

Download our new release today via the Files menu!

Thanks to all who made this happen!

Posted by Andreas Kohn 2005-09-23

ZFXCE auf der ZFXCon

nsere Community Engine wird auf der ZFXCon05 ( vorgestellt. Die Mitglieder (zumindest ein paar davon) stellen sich dort den Fragen aus der Community und es gibt einen (ca. 45 Minuten langen) Vortrag.
Mit dabei sind: Enrico Zschemisch, Bjrn "Salacryl" Meier, Kim "Kimmi" Kulling und Andreas "Ankon" Kohn.

Wir wrden uns freuen, euch auf der ZFXCon begren zu knnen.

Posted by Bjoern meier 2005-08-14