
Zope Fat Client / News: Recent posts

ZopeFatClient-0_0_2 available

Ok, It's been a while but I finally put some changes up.
This new version has a ZEO transport. The pyTree has been improved with a Colour Syntax Highlighting Scintilla editor, and there is a save button so you can save your changes to dtml-documents and dtml-methods

Posted by Andy Dawkins 2001-07-27

ZFC-0_0_1 - Avaliable

ZFC-0_0_1 is now on sourceforge for you to download.
Installation and running instructions can be found in the README.TXT

Posted by Andy Dawkins 2001-06-06

Frame Work Checked In

The ZopeFatClient FrameWork is now at a state where it has been checked in to the CVS repository here at source forge. I shall now be working on this version and checking my changes in to the source forge cvs.

Feel free to dive in and have a look at what is does. Comments greatly appriciated.


Posted by Andy Dawkins 2001-05-31