
Zeta - zeta potential calculation tools / News: Recent posts

libzeta 0.9.0 is out

libzeta 0.9.0 has been released. This is the first version which can be compiled in Linux and other UNIX-like systems.

Posted by Michal Kosmulski 2003-08-16

Zeta 0.8.1

Zeta 0.8.1 fixes a bug which caused previous versions to crash on Windows 2000 and XP.

Posted by Michal Kosmulski 2002-10-17

Zeta for DOS 1.01 is out

Zeta for DOS was written a long time ago. Now it has been re-released under the GPL. The new version also fixes some bugs found in the 1.0 release.

Posted by Michal Kosmulski 2002-08-24

Zeta 0.8 (Alpha) is out

The first Alpha version of Zeta available to the public has been released.
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Zeta can be used to calculate zeta potentials for ka > 6
from electrophoretic mobilities measured at the stationary level or from
apparent zeta potentials displayed by zetameter (estimated by Smoluchowski
equation). Apparent mobilities measured at 3 different levels in a
rectangular electrophoretic cell (aspect ratio > 4) can be used to
calculate the zeta potential (parabola method).... read more

Posted by Michal Kosmulski 2002-08-19