

Update by Source Code (for all systems)

  1. Update Steps
    1.1 Download the latest source code package .zip file, from on our website HERE.
    1.2 Unzip the file and override the original directory. For example, if ZenTao was installed in the directory c:\xampp\zentao, then override it with the downloaded files. Copy all the files in zentaopms / and paste in xampp/zentao/. Execute the update program.
    1.3 If the access path of ZenTao is, the update path is
    1.4 Select ZenTao version according to the update wizard instructions and follow it.
    1.5 Do not unzip the latest package after removing the original programs. You must override the original directory. Do not copy it to c:\xampp\zentao\zentao.
    1.6 Notes: Do not download .exe file to update ZenTao, or it will override all the original data.

  2. Extension Compatibility
    If extensions developed by a third party have been installed before the upgrade, check whether the extensions are compatible with the latest version.

If you cannot access to ZenTao after the upgrade, follow steps below to solve the problem.
2.1 Back up the original directories of ZenTao;
2.2 Download the latest package and rename it as zentao;
2.3 Copy config/my.php, www/data/upload/1, www/.ztaccess, and www/.htaccess in the original directory to the directory of the source package just downloaded.

If you have more questions, email us at or for technical support.