
ZenTao project management software / News: Recent posts

(2016-09-13 )ZenTao open source 8.2.6 has been released!

ZenTao 8.2.6 has been released! In this release, bugs have been fixed.

Amendant Record
908 Story Change cannot be exported in Project->Task.
903 Privilege group cannot be deleted when edit an account.
901 No date is shown in Project Deviation Sheet in Report->Project.
899 Emails cannot be sent out once asynchronized.
889 No check on the length of task title.
888 Garbled file when export csv file.
887 No responsible person is shown when submit a bug to certain module
886 No review is require by default rather than judge according to backend customization, when batch create stories.
881 User names show in Project->Task are not the same.
879 When create a build, a tip was given that last build ID is wrong.
869 Change to hyperlinks in Emails sent when submit a story/build.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2016-09-13)ZenTao Pro 5.3.3 has been released!

ZenTao Pro 5.3.3 has been released! This release is integrated with ZenTao open source 8.2.6 and fixed bugs.

  1. Features
    ZenTao Pro 5.3.3 has integrated open source 8.2.6. For bug fixed record, please refer to
    For more detailed features of ZenTao Pro, please refer to

  2. Bugs fix
    Fixed bugs;
    Fixed LDAP connection issue.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2016-08-08 )ZenTao IOS 1.3.1 has been released!

ZenTao IOS 1.3.1 has been released! Attachement related function is finally here!

You can view attachment in Story, Task, and Bug module, and download it or share it in third party apps. If the attachment is an image, you can take a photo ot choose from the photo library.

Story change is also added to ZenTao IOS.

It is recommended that you update ZenTao IOS to the latest version, as its offline mode has been optimized and it is more stable.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2016-07-13 )ZenTao Pro 5.3.1 is released!

ZenTao Pro version 5.3.1 IS released!

About ZenTao Pro version
ZenTao Pro version is based on the open source version and it is equipped with many advanced features such as working hour management, Gantt and other report charts, data export as excel, doc, integrated with ldap server, git and subversion. For more infomation, please click

Download the trial version:
Extesnion Package:
Install Package:
Windows stack:
Linux stack(64):
Linux stack(32): read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

( 2016-06-08 )ZenTao project management system 8.2.2 is released!

ZenTao 8.2.2 is released!

Change log:
505 User can customize the blocks of every index page.
731 You can drag on the list page to select some taskes.
1041 User can customize the top tab now.
1548 Add feature wizard.
1549 Show flow chart on index page.
1551 Add index pages for every view.
1639 User can customize the fields when export stories, tasks to excel.
1684 User can customize the creating page for story, task and bug.
1734 User can customize every select tab on feature bar.
1735 User can put saved queries into the feature bar now.
1762 Rewrite the group feature for tasks.
1763 Add tree view for tasks.
1821 User can customize the list pages for stories, tasks and bugs.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2016-03-25 )ZenTao PMS 8.1.3 is released!

Hello all, the open source project management system ZenTao version 8.1.3 has been released on 03-23-2016.

Finished stories:
Adjust the style for the cron setting page.
Adjust the style for build and release pages.
Add full screen switcher to the plan stories page.
Add create story link to the plan page.
When computing the developing stage for a story, consier the closed reason of tasks.
Upgrade ZUI to 1.4 version.
Remove the fix data link for module.
Restore the link for desktop notify tools.
Add ip limit feature.
Display the platform or branch info for task.
Adjust the style of email.
Adjust the logic of saving log.
Remove the checking of mysqldump command.
When submit to test, add cc feature.
User can batch unlink story from a project.
Fix the table header when scrolling the table.
Rewrite the select all check box.
Adjust the submit pages for story, task, bug and case.
Adjust the icons for severity and priority.
When mysql crashed, try to check and fix tables.
Adjust the indexes of mysql tables.
Add shortcut hint for next object and previous object.
Try to compress images when GD module enabled in PHP.
Rewrite the common control can commonmodel.
Rewrite the zentaoPHP framework.
Remove unused language items.
Move the codes for report to model.
Rewrite the browse pages.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2015-12-02)ZenTao PMS 8.0 is released!

We're very glad to annouce the release of ZenTao version 8.0.

1783 Can edit the plan description field when batch edit plan.
1785 Improve the linux one package: zbox.
1787 Print the link of duplicate bug for those bugs which closed reason is duplicate.
1788 Add the feature to change branch batchly.
1789 Add branch field in the search form when link stories.
1790 Make the operation bar fixed at the bottom of the screen when batch operation.
1791 Add explain method to dao class.
1792 Save session when link stories.
1793 Add testtask in the daily notify email.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2015-09-21)ZenTao 7.3 is released! More than 30 improved!

The ZenTao version 7.3 is released now, with more than 30 improvements!

Use chosen plugin for search form, thus user can input some keywords for quick searching.
Add pager feature to the sprint story list page.
Show numbers in chart.
Add batch edit feature for product plan.
Add date select shortcut when edit product plan.
Adjust the layout of plan, build and release.
Replace the swf file in kindeditor for security reason.
Show bug's steps directly for tasks converted from bug.
Adjust the layout for module copy feature.
Check session save path writable or not on linux.
Show createdBy, assignedTo, finishedBy fields in task list pages in dashboard.
Hide product name for modules if only one product linked to the sprint.
Add story create link on story view page.
Show account only for deleted users in the sprint team page.
Adjust the parse login for bug steps.
Change the copyright year in code.
Adjust the company dynamic page.
Adjust the user dashboard page.
Adjust document view page.
When import cases, promote user to insert or update.
Shrink the file form to only one file default.
Adjust the task create form.
Adjust the story create form.
Adjust the bug create form.
Adjust the case create form.
Show the begin and end date for plans when displayed in select.
Adjust logic for the first day of burn down chart.
Remove the logic for guest logout action.
When resolve a bug, remove deleted user for assignedTo.
Now can export bugs of a sprint.
Add ToBeClosed tag for bug list page.
Add order field when batch edit sprints.
Adjust the crontab logic.
User can edit the buildin crontab tasks now.
With service build in.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2015-05-25 )ZenTao 7.2 stable version released!

ZenTao 7.2 stable version released!

Now user can move a module to another product by edit it's product field.
Sprints and products can be draged to set their order.
When create affair type task, can select all users by the all button.
Show plans not out of date when create a story.
Can control what views can be accessed by a group.
Add moudle tree at the sprint story list page.
Can set the products and sprints a group access.
Check weak passwords for security reason.
Check administritor's password for some action.
Can group sprints by product at the all sprints page.
Adjust the link stories and bugs logic to build.
Adjust the link stories and bugs logic to plan.
Use ZUI's chart instead of fushioncharts.
User can set the flow now: product and sprint or project and sprint.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2015-03-17 )ZenTao 7.1 stable version released!

ZenTao 7.1 stable version released!

Support deb package.
Support rpm package.
Add cron service using ignore_user_abort feature of php.
Now can send email notice async.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2015-02-06)ZenTao 7.0 stable version released!

ZenTao 7.0 stable version released! Since 7.0 the license of ZenTao changed from LGPL to ZPL(

the type field required for case batch create page.
When create a new sprint, don't display the closed products.
Remove deleted stories on zero case stories page.
Remove the code prefix in the drop down menu of products and sprints.
When edit a release, show the name of it's releated build.
When install or upgrade, the user must confirm the new license.
Add batch delete cases feature.... read more

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2014-12-23 )ZenTao 6.4 stable version released!

ZenTao 6.4 stable version released!

Fix the bug: windows stack control panel can't change ports of apache and mysql
Remove the root directory limition of windows stack. Now user can deploy it like d:\abc\xampp.
Add the feature of resotre backup files.
Add unconfirmed tag in bug list page.
Adjust the default page of test task.
Add pager to all products page.
Adjust the batch assign feature of bug module.
Show human name of fields in history.
Add pager to all sprints page.
Now user can only link bugs or stories to a build after it was created.
Add unresolved bugs to release.
Add edit feature to department.
Add batch assign feature to story module.
When paste images to the editor, judge the browser supports the feature or not first.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2014-11-07 )ZenTao 6.3 stable version released!

ZenTao 6.3 stable version released!

Limit the access to ioncube wizard page, only super user can access it.
Check openssl module enabled or not when set email.
Add unlock button at the user list page.
Adjust the style of attatchments.
Adjust the error info when sending email fail.
Add batch assign feature to bug module.
Add batch assign feature to task module.
Remove the phpinfo page to windows stack for security reason.
Add links to xampp project.
Show the encoding option when export excel or csv data.
View the task in modal windows on story info page.
Adjust the style of extension uninstall page.
If upload file fail, give the user a notice.
User can upload a zip package of some images and zentao will extract them as bugs.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2014-08-27 )ZenTao 6.2 stable version released!

ZenTao 6.2 stable version released!


Add a config item of ajaxform timeout, thus user can control the timout seconds manualy.
Add a switch of turn off story review logic or not.
Add query() method to DAO class, thus user can execute a sql directly, for example: $bugs = $this->dao->query('select * from zt_bug')->fetchAll();
Add count() method to DAO class.$count = $this->dao->select('*')-from(TABLE_BUG)->where('status')->eq('normal')->count();
When manage priviledge of a group, show the group name.
Remove unused js extension.
When create story from the sprint page, set the status of the story to active default.
Adjust the title and position for every page.
When link resolved bugs to a release, don't link the bugs whose resolution is postponed.
Show created date, finished date of build in sprint's history page.
Add pause status to task.
When a case failed, can chose steps to create bug. For example: step1 and step2 ad bug A, step3 to step5 ad bug B.
Add same as above feature to batch create bug page.
When browse effors page of the company, keep the department and account fixed at left.
When link stories to a plan, can use the search form now.
Show the story spec on task info page.
Adjust the object title of evey edit page.
Set the tab index of the kindedtor, thus user can press tab key to get out of the editor.
Adjust the logic when move unfinshed tasks from one sprint to another.
Add operation buttons to the bug info page opened from the build info page.
When move bug to sprint as task, list the postponed bugs also.
Add all sprints link in the drop down menu of sprints.
Rewrite the control panel of windows stack by lazarus.
Order the plans by date reverse in search form.
Show related sprints in story info page.
Use different color for different status.
Rewrite the logic of lengh compute logic in DAO class.
When import bug to sprint as task, comput it's module auto.
Don't list closed objects for story, task, bug, case list pages.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2014-08-06 )ZenTao 6.1 stable version released!

ZenTao 6.1 stable version has been released!


Change the powered by copyright info of zentao testing extension.
Adjust the parse rule when import data from a csv file.
Can see all bugs created from a case.
When browse cases, can group them by story.
Can see build info on case info page.
Change testtask to build.
Add shortcut support to case run page.
Adjust the save and pass button in case run page.
Adjust the layout of case result page.
Auto link a bug to testtask If it was resolved in a build.
Change assignedTo field to close when a test task finished.
When creating a bug from a case result, copy the build, story and module info from the case auto.
When create a case, list stories not closed only.
Show the max upload size on upload form.
Order the stories and bug lists of a plan on server, instead of client by js.
Show the realname on task close page.
Use chosen for all select menus.
Adjust the extension install page.
Adjust the extension list page.
Adjust the extension structure, activate, deny pages.
Remove the sso module.
Add .php extension to log file for security reason.
Create a blank index.php file in every directory to prevent directory list.
Skip the sql confirm page if the sql is empty when upgrade zentao.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2014-06-25) ZenTao 6.0 stable version released!

Hello everyone, the 6.0 stable version of ZenTao has been released!


1)Rewrite the UI by our ZUI framework(
2)Remove the web application module. If you want to use web application, can download it from the extension store.
3)Change table name to lowercase.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2013-09-03 ) ZenTao 5.0 stable version released!

We're so proud to release the zentao 5.0 stable version.


1)Use jquery mobile to rewrite the page on mobile.
2)Rewrite the product and project select menu.
3)The new control panel for windows stack.
4)The linux stack, build from LFS(Linux from scratch)

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2013-03-03 ) ZenTao 4.0 stable version released!

ZenTao 4.0 version has been released now! Compare to the 3.3 version, many features have been improved, including install, upgrade, flow, UE and so on.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

(2012-03-03) ZenTao 3.0 stable version released!

We're proud to annouce the release of ZenTao 3.0 stable version. In the past 3 years, we have released 40 versions, developed 37 modules, 70000+ line codes, 200+ features.

Posted by Fey 2018-01-25

zentaopms release 2.4 version on 20111208

We're very glad to announce that the 2.4 version of zentaopms was released on 20111208. Sorry for late update of the site. Sine 2.0 version, we have released 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and now 2.4 version. A great of features have be done or improved. We suggest every one to upgrade to the latest version.

1. Download:

1.1 the code package:
1.2 the allinone package(80):
1.3 the allinone package(88) read more

Posted by Chunsheng Wang 2011-12-12

ZenTao released 1.4 version on 3 dec.

We are proud to announce the release of zentao 1.4 version on 2010/12/3. This is an important feature improvement version. Everybody is encouraged to upgrade to it.

1. Download:

1.1 the source code page:
1.2 the all-in-one package for windows.
1.3 the rpm package for fedora. read more

Posted by Chunsheng Wang 2010-12-10