
#162 Finish button grayed out in Add an entry sometimes


In the Add an entry to a category box, the 'Finish' button is sometimes grayed out.

1. Double click on a category. The list with entries opens.
2. Press CTRL-N to add a new entry.
3. If the Auto-Fill is UNchecked, go to step 6. Otherwise, UNcheck it.
4. Press cancel.
5. Again, press CTRL-N to add a new entry.
6. Fill in the four fields, for example: 搬, 搬, ban1, move house. The 'Finish' button is still grayed out. This is the bug.

Following step 6, you may try to work around the problem:
7. Check Auto-Fill.
8. Type any character, e.g. a space into the Simplified or Traditional field, and the 'Finish' button will be unchecked. Auto-Fill does auto-fill the other field though (as it is supposed too do when checked), so if the user wants to use other field, auto-fill needs to be UNchecked again. The 'Finish' will remain available then, until closing and re-opening of the 'Add entry' window.

Note: I believe this was not the case with v0.9.0. We made change the Auto-Fill for some (minor) bug remember - is probably in the notes somewhere. Perhaps that is when this bug was introduced.

Since adding entries is core functionality, the workaround is not obvious and it can scare new users away, priority is 4.


  • Michael van den Berg

    Oliver, could you have a look at this? Tx!

    I am happy to test a new .JAR file once you have one :)


    Last edit: Michael van den Berg 2014-09-03
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-05

    How can I edit the status of a bug? I fixed all bugs assigned to me older than this one, but I can't close them.

  • Michael van den Berg

    Set to pending-fix-verification.

    Oliver, would you have the compiled JAR file with the fix, so I could see of the problem is gone on my installation? Thank you! You could attach it to this bug.

    PS: Oliver, regarding the editing of the bug status, I've sent you a PM. For now I can update the tickes, but I understand that it is must better if you can handle it too.

  • Michael van den Berg

    • status: open --> pending-fix-verification
  • Michael van den Berg

    Tested in v1.0.3 beta (v1.03v2). Unfortunately, the issue still persist using the original steps.

    • status: pending-fix-verification --> open

    Last edit: Michael van den Berg 2016-02-19

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