
#161 Capital vowels in Pinyin no accents in Flashcards


If there is a capital vowel with an accent in the Pinyin, then, in Flashcards when studying flashcards, or in the entries list, no accents are shown on that capital.

阿拉伯语 A1 la1 bo2 yu3 Arabic (language)
俄语 E2 yu3 Russian (language)

The first example show like "A1 lā bó" while it should show like "Ā lā bó". If the first letter is changed into a lower-case letter, the tone-mark shows correctly. See attached picture.

* Both examples are foreign (not Chinese) names, that start with a vowel. Since names start with a capital, this capital is a vowel. When this capital-vowel is also the vowel that requires the tone-mark, the problem occurs.
* Since most Chinese learning books will have only a few Foreign names, and of these names even a smaller portion will start with a vowel, the problem occurs infrequent. However, many course books introduce already in the first few chapters country names and words for some very common languages - Arabic and Russian being important ones. Hence, especially beginning learners (= beginning users of ZDT) experience this problem.

Workaround: the tone-number is placed after the syllable when shown in Flashcards or in Categories. So the users are able to study these words.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #161


  • Michael van den Berg

    • assigned_to: kaya
  • Michael van den Berg

    Steps to recreate:
    1. Double click any category
    2. In the list that opens, press CTRL-N to add a new entry
    3. Type "阿拉伯语" the simplified field and "A1 la1 bo2 yu3" (with the capital 'A') in the pinyin field, and fill in the other fields.
    4. Click Finish. The list shows "A1 lā bó" in stead of "Ā lā bó".

    Since I have created the bug myself, could Kaya or Oliver review this, and set it to open-accepted or comment if found otherwise?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-02

    I can take care of this.

  • Michael van den Berg

    • assigned_to: kaya --> Oliver Emery
    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-09-05

      How do I change status of bug ticket?

      On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Michael van den Berg wrote:

      • assigned_to: kaya --> Oliver Emery
      • Comment:

      Oliver, Thank you! Assigned to you.

      Status: open
      Milestone: any-next
      Created: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:27 PM UTC by Michael van den Berg
      Last Updated: Tue Sep 02, 2014 02:23 AM UTC
      Owner: Oliver Emery

      If there is a capital vowel with an accent in the Pinyin, then, in
      Flashcards when studying flashcards, or in the entries list, no accents are
      shown on that capital.

      阿拉伯语 A1 la1 bo2 yu3 Arabic (language)
      俄语 E2 yu3 Russian (language)

      The first example show like "A1 lā bó" while it should show like "Ā lā
      bó". If the first letter is changed into a lower-case letter, the tone-mark
      shows correctly. See attached picture.

      Both examples are foreign (not Chinese) names, that start with a vowel.
      Since names start with a capital, this capital is a vowel. When this
      capital-vowel is also the vowel that requires the tone-mark, the problem
      Since most Chinese learning books will have only a few Foreign names,
      and of these names even a smaller portion will start with a vowel, the
      problem occurs infrequent. However, many course books introduce already in
      the first few chapters country names and words for some very common
      languages - Arabic and Russian being important ones. Hence, especially
      beginning learners (= beginning users of ZDT) experience this problem.

      Workaround: the tone-number is placed after the syllable when shown in
      Flashcards or in Categories. So the users are able to study these words.

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      Bugs: #161

  • Michael van den Berg

    Oliver, Thank you! Assigned to you.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-05

    How can I change the status of a bug ticket?

  • Michael van den Berg

    Tested in v1.0.3 beta (v1.03v2). Unfortunately, the issue still persist using the original steps.


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