
Zaval Database Front-end / News: Recent posts

Mailing list available

You can get all latest news about Zaval CE Group activities (products' releases/updates, etc) from our mailing list. To subscribe sent blank mail to
It's a read-only mailing list (you can't post to it) with a low traffic(one letter in a one-two weeks).

Posted by Alexander Ivanyukovich 2002-04-20

Zaval Database Front-end 1.2.0 available (stable)

Zaval Database Front-end is a light and functional Web-based front-end to any database for which you have JDBC drivers. It allows raw SQL code execution and is limited only by the extent of the database's SQL support.

New version of the Zaval Database Front-end is available for public. Now we are going through our plans list ( ). Feel free to post us any comments.

Posted by Alexander Ivanyukovich 2002-03-13

Zaval Database Front-end 1.1.0 available (stable)

Zaval Database Front-end is a light and functional Web-based front-end to any database for which you have JDBC drivers. It allows raw SQL code execution and is limited only by the extent of the database's SQL support.

New version of the Zaval Database Front-end is available for public. Now we are going through our plans list ( ). Feel free to post us any comments.

Posted by Alexander Ivanyukovich 2002-02-04

Release 1.0.0 available (stable)

Zaval Database Front-end was verified by QA Department and now available for public.

Posted by Alexander Ivanyukovich 2001-12-28