

Rick Copeland ☕ Kyle Adams ♞ Dave Brondsema


An event logging and aggregation system for Python that runs on MongoDB

We're using Zarkov to watch Allura events and create pretty graphs for internal use. You're welcome to do the same.


Home: Event Format
Home: eventlog service


  • Alvaro del Castillo

    Rick, some of the tools in SF are not already implemented in Allura. Do you have a ROADMAP for building this tools? Also, some tools like "mailing list" are not yet in the Allura version you get from the Allura git repository. Will all the tools be added to the Open Source Allura project?

    Kind regards

    • Rick Copeland ☕

      Some of the tools (like the mailing list, which is an implementation of mailman) I don't believe we have plans to release in the open source version of SF. (On the SourceForge site, the Allura projects that use tools like these are actually reliant on a good bit of legacy code and databases)

  • Rick Copeland ☕

    I've had some success with Flot, and the output of Zarkov's agg webservice is actually Flot-compatible. You might also want to check out Pentaho if you need something more extensive, as they recently announced a MongoDB plugin which we are using internally for some projects at SourceForge.

  • Alvaro del Castillo

    Rick, do you have some example with code to understand how Zarkov gathers information from Allura MongoDB and then, how do you plot graphs using this information? We are discussing about it in the Apache Allura dev mailing list.

    Kind regards

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-02-10

    I installed zarkov as indicated in the docs. Unfortunately it fails. Before diving in and trying to fix the problems (due to library conflicts?) I wondered if there is any activity on Zarkov or has it been abandoned?

    • Dave Brondsema

      Dave Brondsema - 2013-02-11

      We're using Zarkov here at SourceForge, but we're not actively developing on it currently.



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