

Peter Olszowka
  • Division
    a property of a session which represents a portion of the organizational structure of the con. Specifying the division of a session is merely to enable reports to be limited to a division for convenience.
  • Publication Status
    a property of a session which specifies whether the session will be included in publications intended for attendees.
  • Room Feature
    a property of a session which corresponds to a required characteristic of the room where it may be scheduled. For example, some room may be easily darkened because they have no windows or windows with adequate shades. Any session using a projector should be limited to such a room.
  • Room Service
    a property of a session which corresponds to something that may be provided in that room for only that session. For example, a projector may be brought to a room for a single session.
  • Room Set
    a property of a session which corresponds to the layout of furniture in the room. The capacity of a room will be affected by its room set.
  • Session
    anything which must be scheduled at a place and time. Examples are panels, events, and meetings. Some sessions are not published to attendees such as staff meetings or blocks of time to prepare a room.
  • Track
    a property of a session which represents a classification of the topic. Examples from SF&F conventions are literature, media, science, comics, etc.
  • Type
    a property of a session which represents the nature of the activity of the session. Examples are panel, lecture, theatrical presentation, showing of a film or video, etc.


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