
Tree [f8ef60] default /

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File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2015-07-08 hvo hvo [f2b31e] Rebuild ckeditor
 portal-web 2015-07-08 jeroendevries jeroendevries [3c0aa5] DLWO-1211:
 portal-web_LPS-43852 2014-10-29 Hubert Vogten Hubert Vogten [91b182] DLWO-4: migrated CKEditor patch to plugin proje...
 src 2015-07-08 hvo hvo [f2b31e] Rebuild ckeditor
 .hgignore 2015-02-26 Harrie Martens Harrie Martens [a250d6] Removed .classpath and .project from Hg
 .hgtags 2015-07-08 Hubert Vogten Hubert Vogten [bc0bbd] [maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 2.1.1
 .project 2015-07-08 hvo hvo [f2b31e] Rebuild ckeditor
 COPYING 2015-05-28 jal jal [81d9c4] Add LGPL files.
 COPYING.LESSER 2015-05-28 jal jal [81d9c4] Add LGPL files.
 README 2015-01-19 hvo hvo [84f57c] DLWO-4: after consultation with Jules, decided ...
 pom.xml 2015-07-08 Hubert Vogten Hubert Vogten [f8ef60] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next develop...

Read Me

This project provides an relative easy way to upgrade the Liferay Portal CKEditor to version 4.3.5 while also
installing additional plugins which are required for the MathJax integration.

See DLWO-4 for more background information.

This project provides an ant build script for the build and deployment of both a patched CKEditor
and the original CKEditor. 

Before any of the ant taks can be run to build the CKEditor environment, the liferay plugins project needs to
be installed. Furthermore, this project requires that the server sources are installed (these are
needed for the build). Make sure that the server sources match with the version of the server on which the patched

To successfully run the ant script, two properties need to be set with the right values for the system on which the
ant script is executed.

In the portal-web/build.xml file, change the value of the 'plugins' and 'org-source' properties
according to the system settings.

The ant script is capable of build two different targets. First you can build a patched version of the CKEditor by
running the ant file in portal-web/build.xml with target 'build-patched-ckeditor' (this is the default target). The
ant script will copy all required files in the src/main/webapp/META-INF/custom_jsps. 

Alternatively, the same build file can be used to rebuild the original CKEditor by passing the build-org-ckeditor
target. This can be handy in situations where the CKEditor does not work properly and it is not clear whether this
is caused by the patch. In normal circumstances this should never be needed.

To deploy the changes on the server we can now simply deploy the project, which will patch all files in contained in
the src/main/webapp/META-INF/custom_jsps folder. Undeploying this project should revert all changed. Note that the server 
needs to be restarted after deploying and undeploying of this hook. 
You must use Liferay->Maven->liferay:deploy

Version Management
Because this project is very much dependent on the orginal Liferay CKEditor build, there is close releation and therefore strict dependency
with the Liferay subversion. With each Liferay update (in casu service packs), parts of the build file, especially those dealing with the FCKEditor
target, have to be compared with the original build file provided by Liferay and updated when needed. So the CKEditor project is only valid for certain
release and service pack of Liferay. Therefore branches are named accordingly, and changes are implemented for a specific service pack. The
asssumption is that all servers (build, test,acceptation and production) are running the exact same version of Liferay. 
In order to make a new version available for testing, the current active branch (e.g. SP8 branch) must be merged with HEAD. The build server will
take it from there. It is the responsiblity of the developer to correctly build the CKEditor project on forehand by call the ANT build task while
ensuring that the correct version of this project is merged with HEAD. 

Restrictions and Issues
The build has been based on the build file of the Liferay portal. Unfortunately, this build file does include some
scripts that have been changed between various service packages of Liferay. As our build file is a copy of one of these
versions, building a exact copy of the particular server version implies that the build is checked against changes
that may have occured. Especially the build-fckeditor task has been subject to changes. Fortunately, changes in this 
tasks are minor so synchronization should not involve a great deal of effort.

An issue that may occur after the editor have been update is that the icons in the taskbar of the editor are scrambeled.
It is not exactly clear what is causing this issue, but clearing the cached browser images solves the issue.